Friday, January 30, 2009


This afternoon our neighbor who the kids adore (they actually call
him "neighbor") came over with 3 trash bags full of kid movies.
The kids were thrilled. Trevor counted 91 in all. Tons of them
are ones we don't have like The Sandlot, Flubber, Spy Kids
and so many more. It was so nice of them. We'll never have
to rent a movie for the kids again.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An Ear Infection

Griffin has had a cough & stuffy nose for a week and a half now.
Last night he was up several times crying about his ear hurting.
He stayed home today, and I took him to the doctor. Sure
enough he has an ear infection. The doctor said the other ear
was on the verge of one too. I'm sure he'll be feeling better soon
after he gets some antibiotics in his body.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A day at the Aquarium

Savannah asked me if I would take her to the Aquarium.
I happily obliged. She was in love with the sting rays!
Look at these yummy fish & squid for the sting rays to eat!

Watching the lady feed the sting rays!

This is so cool!

I finally got her to look at some other fish.
Watching a shark & turtle swim by.

One last HUGE sting ray before we leave.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Funny Boys...

The other night after the boy's had their shower, they went
into their room to get dressed. This is what they came out
wearing. They each had several layers of pajama's.
What a bunch of knuckleheads!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Family Day

Today is the last day before Patrick starts back to school.
Since the kids had the day off we decided to do some fun
stuff together as a family. We went to the Natural History
Museum. The kids espesially enjoyed the dinosoaur models, and
the volcano exhibit. After we finished up there we enjoyed
lunch, and then headed to the Zoo. The kids fed the ducks
& the fish. They played at the fun playground and we visited
some of the animal exhibits. It was a fun day out.
Patrick, Savannah & Griffin all fell asleep on the way home.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Beautiful Day!!

Today was a beautiful warm day. It think it got into
the low 60's. The kids spent hours playing barefoot
in our backyard. They made mud pies, ant houses,
jumped on the trampoline and blew bubbles. It was
a great day to spend outside!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Keeping me company

I really enjoy Savannah . She is a joy to be around.
I've been trying really hard to stay on track with a running
routine. I try to run at least 5 miles every other day.
With me all the time is Savannah who keeps me company.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nothing to blog about.......

Nothing much has been going on here, so I haven't been
blogging. Just the usual everyday stuff. I did score at Target
today they were having a HUGE sale, most of the toys were
75% off. I snagged some princess stuff for Savannah
( she wants a princess birthday party). Here is a picture of the kids
tonight. I was helping Griffin & Savannah do a puzzle
while Trevor was doing a little drawing. A quiet night
at home.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Savannah gets her ears pierced

Savannah has really been wanting to get her ears pierced for awhile
now. Her big gift from Santa was some earrings & a gift certificate
to get her ears pierced. With the boys back at school today we
decided to take her. She was so excited & all smiles. She picked
out pretty pink flower earrings. When the lady pierced her ears she
did cry, but not very much. By the time the lady was done explaining
the cleaning stuff she was staring at herself in the mirror all smiles.
She practically danced all the way to the car. She said that she is the
beautiful earring princess now. She is thrilled with the earrings and
keeps telling us how beautiful she is. She did great & we are glad
that this makes her so happy.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Feeling the Music

I gave the kids this old Rio music player of mine. Griffin seems to be
the only kid really into it. He walked around most of the day listening
to music. Here are some pictures of him tonight in Savannah's room.
He was really into it swaying back and forth with him eyes closed.
I guess he thinks it's way more fun not having to share your tunes
with anyone.
He looks like he is meditating.

Looking cool , I love this guy!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Sunbeam

Today was Savannah's first day as a sunbeam at church.
She has a wonderful time, and loves her teacher. She also
thought it was fun to see me (I'm in the primary presidency).
Can't believe I don't have any kids in nursery anymore.

Friday, January 2, 2009

10 Years

10 years ago today January 2nd 1999 we were married!
I think we both can say that the journey has been amazing.
It's been full up ups & downs, joys & sorrow's and lots of
changes. There is no one out there I would rather have
walk beside me on this journey.

Here we are now after 10 years. May we have many more wonderful years together, but hopefully they won't pass quite so quickly.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

We hope that 2009 is a great year for everyone! Aunt Kim stayed
with the kids last night so that we could go out. They had a Happy
New Years party while we were gone. I'm sure she will have
pictures up on her blog in the next few days.