Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Great start to smmmer

We had a great day yesterday. We headed to the first showing of
Night At The Museum Battle At The Smithsonian. We all loved the
movie, it was great. We enjoyed a lunch of hot dogs and chips.
Patrick built a shelf to hold all the kid's movies. The kids
enjoyed playing outside until it started raining. In the late
afternoon we worked in the backyard... mowed the lawn and cut
some wood. After a yummy dinner of beef kabobs, fried rice and
fruit salad we took a walk/ scooter ride to the park. When we
got back home we lit up a fire in the fire pit and made smores.
It was a great day together as a family.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Snip snip....

While the boys were enjoying their last day of school I took Savannah
to get her hair trimmed. It's been almost a year and a half since I've
taken her, so it was really needed. The boys recently got their hair
buzzed so Savannah said " mom I don't want my hair barbed." I think
she was thinking about the barber shop they went to. The lady just
took off about 2 inches to make it even.

Schools out for summer!!!

Well the boys are done with school. It was a cool rainy morning here.
It will be nice to spend some quality time together as a family.
Here is a picture of the end of the year teacher gifts I did this year.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Griffin's Kindergarten promotion

Griffin had his kindergarten promotion ceremony today. I can't believe how
quickly this year has gone by. After the ceremony we went back to his
classroom where we enjoyed a wonderful lunch, and a few songs performed
by the students. It was lots of fun. I can't believe that Griffin will be
staring 1st grade in just a few months.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Safety Fair

This afternoon I took the kids to the safety fair that was held at Intel.
The kids enjoyed getting a backpack that they filled with all sorts of
things like water bottles, Frisbee's, pencils, stickers and books just to
name a few. I was able to get them each a identification card from the
Rio Rancho Police department. The kids also got to tour an ambulance
and a police car. They learned all about fire fighting equipment and
tried some of it on. It was a fun thing to do with the kids.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day car wash...

It was a great Mother's day! It was a nice and relaxing day.
After dinner the kids and I went out front to wash my car.
They love helping me which is nice. By the time I start rinsing
they always run to the gutter to play with the water. That is prob
their favorite part. While I finishing cleaning my windows the kids
ran down the street playing with the run off. While the kids played
a couple asked if I wanted them to spray paint our house number
on the curb for ten bucks. I said sure we've been wanting to do it
for quite awhile.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Build & Grow Clinic

Today I took the kids to Lowes for their kids clinic. They each made a little planter. It was a lot of fun and they were very proud of what they made. They even gave us flowers for free to put into their planters. We plan to start going more often. The kids earn patches for each of the projects they complete which can be sewn onto their apron. It was a fun Saturday morning.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Homemade or (Schoolmade) Toothpaste

Trevor made toothpaste at school today. He thought is was very cool.
He was very excited to try it out tonight. Let's just say I think he'll
be sticking with the store bought stuff.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dave Matthews

Last night I enjoyed a Dave Matthews concert with my friend Danica.
It was tons of fun! My throat is sore from screaming and singing.
The opening act was the Avett Brothers ... who were also great!
No cameras were allowed so the only picture I really have is us walking
back to the car to put our camera's away. It was a great night out....
can't wait to do it again.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where oh where could Savannah be??

So I heard Savannah crying about an hour after she went to bed.
It took me a few minutes to get to her room. When I did this is
what I found:

I looked toward my room and saw this:

When I went into my room I found this:

sound asleep on the bedroom floor. I'd think her bed would be much more comfortable... guess not.