Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Griffin

I can't believe that Griffin is six today. Time sure flies by.
Griffin wanted to go to Itz to celebrate. We all had fun.
He wanted a puppy party which turns out we'll be getting a
puppy tomorrow morning. Happy Birthday Griff we love you!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Date Day in Jackson, Wyoming

My family offered to watch the kids for the day so that we could have
a "Date Day". We drove up to Jackson, Wyoming which is just over
two hours from my Dad's house. Patrick had never been to Jackson,
so I was excited for him to see this cool town. We enjoyed lunch,
a little shopping and a stagecoach ride around town. After a few
hours in town we drove up to Grand Teton National Park. We did
a hike around lake Jenny. It was beautiful up there. After driving
in the park for a bit we headed back to Jackson for dinner.
WE found a very cool steak house called The Gun Barrel. We dined
on Buffalo prime rib which was very tasty. Before driving back
to my Dad's we stopped near the snake river to take in some more
awesome views. It was a great day a very much appreciated. We rarely
get time together just the two of us, so this was really nice.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dairy Farm Tour

I thought a Dairy tour might be fun for the kids. We drove somewhere out in
the middle of nowhere (ok it was somewhere past American Falls). We toured
a Dairy Farm that makes cheese. It was interesting, and we bought some
fresh local made cheese too.
Inside the giant fridge full of cheese

I call this picture : You wanna fresh one?
Savannah & Shelby looking at a baby cow
Where the milking action happens 2x's a day

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Idaho Falls

We drove up to Idaho Falls so we could go to the Museum of Idaho and
see the Titanic exhibit. It was very cool! Lots of artifacts and
pictures. I think the kids enjoyed the wall of ice that was on display
that people were encouraged to touch to give you an idea of just how
cold the waters were the night the ship sunk. After we finished up
at the museum we went to lunch at a really cool Brewery. With full
bellies we took a walk on the green belt along the water. We all
enjoyed the falls. The kids enjoyed feeding the geese and ducks
as well. After our walk we enjoyed snow cones at a really cool train
caboose ice cream place. It was a great day in Idaho Falls.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Lava Swimming Pool

Savannah & Shelby playing together

Patrick & the boys

Trevor on the water slide

Cooper tired after enjoying the pool

Griffin on one of the smaller slides

Saturday, July 18, 2009

We're outta here!!

So... I'm just about done packing. We are leaving first thing
in the morning on our long drive to Idaho. It will be so nice
to get away.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two very different hikes

Yesterday afternoon we headed out to look for a letterbox. While driving
on the freeway our car's thermostat read 107 degrees. It was HOT!!
We did not have very good directions to where we were going so, after
driving around looking for a particular trail head we decided to do a
hike on a different trail head. This hike was more of a desert hike and
was very exposed. It was pretty, but would be much better on a much
cooler day. After that hike we decided to give up on finding that
particular letterbox and went to the Sandia mountains to a different
letterbox. While driving up into the Sandias the temperature kept dropping
and dropping. By the time we left for the night it was a mere 71 degrees.
This hike had awesome views and was dense forest. We saw lots of wildlife
l ike deer, chipmunks, and a eagle. We found our letterbox among some
pine trees. We had a great day out and did not eat dinner until 9:00pm and
did not get home from our hikes until 10:00pm

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Archery Fun...

Trevor taking a shot

Griffin after he retrieved his arrow

My boys (yes, Griffin is white trashing it with no shoes)

Even Savannah got in on the action

On the way home we went to Baskin Robins for sundaes.
The kids were messy & happy (Savannah fell asleep).

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday Trevor

Today Trevor turned EIGHT!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone.
We took Trevor to a place he has been wanting to go that has indoor mini
golf that actually is glow in the dark. We enjoyed pizza there as well.
Trevor enjoy a Star Wars themed birthday with family this year.
Thanks for the presents & cards/ money everyone. He is a very happy kid.