Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bubbles & Trouble

Here is how the boys celebrated New Yers Eve!

Monday, December 28, 2009


Savannah got in a fight with her scooter...and the scooter won!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning 2009

Here are a few pictures I took this morning.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

We tracked Santa's moves on NORAD

We enjoyed lunch out with Grandma Shelley who is in town visiting her mom, brother & sister.

We made magic cookie bars for Santa and left oats carrots out for the reindeer.

The children were nestled all snug in their bed... well all except Griffin in who is on night 2 of sleeping in an overstuffed chair in my room because his is sick with a terrible cough.

 Can't wait for Santa to come to our house!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Winterfest Parade

Last night we took our kids to our city's Winterfest parade.  It was lots of fun.
The kids were thrilled about all the candy they got.  It's nice that our city does this
kinda family event.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Girls Day

Today I kept Savannah out of school and took her to
see The Princess and The Frog.  It was really good. 
A classic type Disney movie.  I sure enjoy hanging
out with Miss Savannah May.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trevor's Report

Trevor had to do a report & poster on a country.  He chose Costa Rica, because it's one of the places he's been.  Here he is showing off the poster he made.

Thanks Grandpa Pat for getting Trevor stuff for his report on your most recent visit.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Krispie Cream sort of morning

The phone rang early this morning saying school would
be delayed 2  hours, then 3 hours, then it was cancelled
all together due to a communications tower being
damaged in the mountains.  Patrick had remembered
that Krispie Cream was having their grand opening
today, so he loaded the kids up and went down there. 
He said it  was pretty crowded, but the kids loved it. 
They came home with lots of yummy donuts and cute
Krispie Cream hats.  Good way to spend the morning.
We also decorated out tree we bought yesterday.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Snicker Bar Express

When I was a kid we made this every year.  When Trevor was a baby I asked my mom to send me instructions on how to make it.  That paper has been sitting in my recpie folder since.  Every year I had the intention of making it and every year I never did.  This year I decided it was time.  The kids had a great time decorating their Snicker bar Train, and the board we put it on.  It will be a fun decoration to have in the kitchen.

 Woking on decorating

The finished Train

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A special visitor

This week we have a very special visitor.
Copper (my nephew) is staying with us.
He is just as sweet and easy as they come,
so we are all really enjoying having him here.