Sunday, August 28, 2011

Old friends

We enjoyed a nice visit with out old friend (as in we've known them for a long time).
The Blanco family's on their way to South Carolina, again.  They stopped to see us
on their drive out there.  It has been 5 1/2 yrs. since we've been together.  When we
moved from South Carolina actually.  Dave & Patrick met in Orlando while going
to school with the Navy.  I met him while visiting Patrick.  So way before we were
married, or had kids. Later, after we moved to San Diego, we would spend time with
him whenever his ship pulled into San Diego.  We got stationed in South Carolina,
then he got married, and a year later they also got stationed in South Carolina. 
We spent lot of time with them.

Just two weeks after Savannah was born, they had  twin boys, Zach & Gabe
Since we last saw them they have adopted to older kids, Juan & Katrina.
Now their family is bigger than ours.  It was nice to have them over for dinner,
and visit with them.  It was amazing to see our little ones together.  Last time they
were together they were only about 10 months old.

Here is a picture of the little ones when they were about 5 months old or so.
Time sure flies......
I hope they are not teenagers before we get to see them again.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This week so far...

Savannah has been practicing reading with Daddy, Cody feels he must be part of it too.

Griffin has been spending lots of time with Max, trying to get
him use to being handled.

Savannah had her very first soccer practice, she did great.

Griffin also started soccer once again.  He is now on a competitive team.

Griffin attended his first pack meeting, and earned his bobcat patch.

Trevor is  a Webelo now, and he earned a ton of awards.  He's trying to dodge the camera  :)

Savannah shaved her eyebrow, but totally denies it!!  Not sure why she did it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fun at Grandpa's

Trevor and Sara (2yrs) became fast friends.  She is a wild woman, but so much fun.
He has called and talked to her on the phone after we've been home. Adorable!

Helping in the barn.

Wild and crazy rides down the river.

Snipe Hunting


A snipe hunt, a form of wild-goose chase that is also known as a fool's errand, is a type of practical joke that involves experienced people making fun of credulous newcomers by giving them an impossible or imaginary task. The origin of the term is a practical joke where inexperienced campers are told about a bird or animal called the snipe as well as a usually preposterous method of catching it, such as running around the woods carrying a bag or making strange noises such as banging rocks together. Incidentally, the snipe (a family of shorebirds) is difficult to catch for experienced hunters, so much so that the word "sniper" is derived from it to refer to anyone skilled enough to shoot one.

* Please if you know my children do not tell them that snipes are not real.

They are still under the impression that they are very real!! It is a rite of
passage every youngster must do at one point in their young life.  I did it
at 4-H camp, great memories :)

The boys said their very favorite part of our trip was when Grandma Shelley,
and her friend Debbie took the kids snipe hunting one night.  It was a hoot!! 

Untitled from Amy BArron on Vimeo.

Untitled from Amy BArron on Vimeo.

Eating ice cream & chatting about how close they came to catching a snipe.

A group shot of the snipe hunters. The two 2 year cousins were asleep.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Meet Henry- Now Max

For Griffin's birthday he really wanted a bird.  We got him a starter cage with most of
the basic needs.  With his birthday money he bought toys & the bird.  We made him
wait until we were back from vacation.  Today was finally the day.  He's so excited!

Safe & secure for the car ride home.

In his new home.  We're looking forward to Griffin & Henry getting to know each other.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yellowstone day 1

Back to our vacation.   We did some more stuff in Idaho, but I want to skip forward
to our time in Yellowstone, mostly because the pictures are so pretty.  We decided
to just take our family up to yellowstone for two days.  I had taken the kids there
for a day about four years ago, but they did not remember it.  This was Patrick's
first time there, I think he was impressed.   Our camera was not working for the first
day, so we used our cell phones.

We stopped at as many places as we could while making our
way to Old Faithful.  When we made it to Old Faithful it was
late afternoon , and as soon as we got out of the car, we
were hit with a major storm.  It was pouring, and  hailing!
We ran as fast as we could to the visitors center to take shelter.
 It was so crowded.  By this time they were making anouncments
to stay inside because of lightining strikes.  The thunder was
louder than I had ever  heard.  It was crazy!
We stayed there until it was just drizzly, then walked
quickly over to the Old Faithful Inn for dinner.

After a really good prime dinner we cheched the Inn out.  It is beautiful!
We really want to go back and stay there someday.  The it was time
to go see Old Faithful.  It was a bit longer of a wait than expected, but
it was a good show.  Afterward we took a walk around the surrounding
area.  It was all so beautiful.

All of my pictures from Old Faithful were sideways  :(

We checked out the gift shop, then stopped at a few more
places on our way out for the night.

It was a really fun day.  We got a CHEAP motel in West Yellowstone.  Let's just say it
left a lot to be desiered.  We all slept with long pj's, and sweatshirts with our hoods on
ON TOP of the blankets.  We explained the difference between a motel and a hotel
to the kids. In the morning Savannah said " I know the difference between a hotel
and a motel,  Hotels wash their stuff!"  It was pretty funny.  We survived  :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

A new school year

Today is the first day of school.  I heard on knock on my bedroom door at
7:20 this morning.  It was Trevor, already dressed and ready for school.
I know the excitment wont last long  :)

This will be the last year all three kids will go to the same school.
Patrick & I walked them to school.

Right as we got to the playgroup, the boys split while Savannah stayed pretty close.
I stayed with her until her class line went into the school

I hope they have a great day, and school year!