Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baker Girl

Today Savannah ased if she could make some cute cupcakes from her Princess and the Frog cookbook.
She did a geat job, and had lots of fun.  She even delivered some cupcakes to a few of her friends.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Big summertime so far update

We've been pretty busy this last week.  We have submerged ourselves into summer fully.
Here a list of most of the things we've been doing, with some pictures too.

Swimming at the Aquatic center
Homework Bonfire - with roasted marshmallows
Bowling with Aunt Dorothy
Park days - some that including running in sprinklers
Camping in the backyard in our new tent
Playdates with friends
Swimming at Haynes pool
Two movies - The Avengers & Battelship
Summer reading kick off at the Library - Free shirts
Being artists with chalk in the front yard
Turning in first reading card to Dions for free backpack & book
Planting some new plants- basil, tomatoes & strawberries

It's been lot's of fun!  Click to enlarge the pictures.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Day of School

I'm so excited, today is the last day of school!  Looking forward to lots of good quality family time.
The kids get out at noon, then I'm going take them swimming at the aquatic center to celebrate.

These are the end of the year teacher gifts I did for the kids teachers this year.
Griffin's teacher.  The bag has cute owl candies, an adorable homemde owl bookmark, owl tissues, and a Barnes & Nobel gift card. 

Trevor & Savannah's teacher.  The cups are filled with skittles & a Kiva Juice gift card.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Savannah finally lost one of her top teeth.  This tooth has been hanging on by a thread for days.

And one of these two together.  They are so cute together. Griffin was excited for Savannah too.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Middle school here he comes.....

I seriously can't believe how fast time has gone.  Trevor had his promotion ceremony tonight.  He is offically a 6th grader now.  He picked out his white suite all on his own, he looked great!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A new look

This afternoon I took Savannah to get her hair cut.  We decided to go short.  While waiting she looked thru books of kids hair styles, she picked one (it was exactly what I had in mind).  They took a lot off I think close to 8 inches.  It turned out adorable, Savannah can't stop looking at herself in the mirror.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Last pack meeting of the year

Tomight was our last pack meeting, yay!  Can you tell I'm a little burned out on Scouts?

It was a big night.  Trevor earned his Arrow of Light and crossed the bridge into Boy Scouts.
He also earned the rare Super Achiver patch, which means he earned all of the 20 pins in Webelos.

Griffin earned his Wolf Badge as well, he is now moving onto Bears.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day weekend

This was a busy weekend!  Griffin was in a Soccer tournoment with two games Saturday, and two games on Sunday.  In between the games Saturday, they kids had a birthday party to go to.  At the end of the day Sunday, Griffin's team had their end of the year Soccer party at the Aquatic center.

For Mother's day I got some beautiful trees for the backyard.  One is a Nectarine, the other a White Dogwood.  I'm super excited, finally our yard is getting pretty.   The boys worked really hard at digging holes for the trees.  They planted them Monday.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dancing Trevor

For the last 10 weeks Trevor's school has participated in an awesome program called Dancing Classrooms.  Their school was picked as the pilot school for New Mexico.  They learned the Swing, Foxtrot, Rumba, Waltz, Merengue, and the Stomp.   Trevor has found a new love.  He loves dancing!  He is so focused, and confident.  This afternoon they held a performence to showcase what they have learned.  Each 5th grade class did a dance.  Trevor's class did the Foxtrot.

Hanging out afterward

They will be doing another performance next week at their 5th grade promotion ceremony too.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Francis Scott Key

Today Griffin dressed as Francis Scott Key for a report.  He said he looked freaky, but I lthink he looked great.  He did a great job with his presentation.

The kids were also asked to bring in a snack or treat to share as well.  We decided on this awesome Jello flag, since Francis wrote our National Anthem. It was really yummy!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Warrior Dash

Today Patrick ran in a super cool run called the Warrior Dash.  We all went to cheer him on!

It was a fun day!  Although it was just an hour away, it took us three hours to get there because traffic was super crazy!  It was all worth it though.  Patrick did a great job, and we all enjoyed cheering him on!