Saturday, October 27, 2012

Old school fun

Tonight while working on Halloween costumes.  I decided to show the kids how we'd play bank robber with a pair of my mom's old nylons growing up.  I put them on each of them and pulled them up so they'd look super silly, then I'd snap several pictures.  It was hilarous!!! 
I seriously was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants!!  The good ol' days.  I can't believe I had never shown them how to do that before, so fun!!

And I look like a PIG!!!  I hardly ever post normal pictures of me, but I'm actually gonna post this crazy, bad picture of myself because we were laughing so hard, and having such fun.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall in the Bosque

This afternoon we went down to the Bosque.  I wanted to get some pictures of the beautiful trees.  As always in the fall, it was beautiful!

Thanks to some friends, we discovered a newly opened area of the park.  There was a beautiful Pecan grove.  We scoured the ground to find pecans.  I think we ended up with over 5 lbs.

Since we had Pecans on our mind, I decided to make pecan sandies for dessert.  It was the perfect Sunday afternoon!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


This past weekend we took the kids to Petroglyph National Monument.  We've been before, but it's been several years, and the kids did not remember it much.  We stopped at the visitors center, and got the Junior ranger booklet (Trevor felt too old to participate).  After that we headed out on a little hike.
It was fun, and they kids love finding "pictures" on the rocks.  I have not been feeling well, so we didn't stay super long, maybe an hour. We went out to lunch at outback.
After lunch, we went back to the visitor center so Griffin & Savannah could get their Junior Ranger badges, and some other fun stuff.  It was a nice day.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall Fun

Patrick got green chili's & had them roasted, then sent off to family in CA.
We finished our Haunted Dollhouse and put in by the front door.
I put out the Haloween Coutdown sign I made.
We finished all our decoration, including a Graveyard.