Thursday, March 26, 2015

Birthday Girl

We celebrated Savannah's birthday awhile back and forgot to blog about it.

Our cutie turned 10 on the 16th.  She woke up to flowers, cards and pancakes.

We had a plan to surprise her at school, and check her out for the day.  She was totally shocked and giggly when we picked her up.

We took her to the movies to see the new Cinderella movie.  We loved it! After the movie we went to lunch at Olive Garden.

After dinner, she opened up her gifts and we had a lemon cake (her choice).

We love our Savannah May,  and are so glad to have her in our family. Here's to double digits!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Piano lessons

I've been  wanting Griffin to take piano lessons for a while, but he hasn't been interested. Recently I talked to a friend whose son has been playing for many years. She suggested jokingly that her son give lessons to Griffin. I thought that was a great idea so I suggested 5 bucks per lesson. This is going so well. Griffin has learned so much from his friend Josh. It was the perfect way to get him interested in playing the piano. Right now our piano is in the garage. Someday he'll have one in the house, although he does have a keyboard in his room. They were doing lessons twice a week but now its once a week and Griffin always looks forward to Mondays. He has learned so much already.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Jumping in the rain

We had a short 10 minute rain storm. Griffin & Savannah had fun jumping on the trampoline in the rain.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Trevor has an assignment in his health class to take care of a "baby" of his own for 2 weeks. His "baby" is a hard boiled egg. He named him Jeremy Ryan.

Hopefully Jeremy doesnt crack!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Girls day off

Savannah was off of school Thursday & Friday for parent teacher conferences.  I have a bunch of comp time,  so I took those days off too.  Thursday, after a lazy start,  we headed out for some fun. We did some shopping, and lunch at Panera.  It was a good day.  Glad we hung out Thursday because Friday the boys were supposed to be at school,  but they had a snow day.   Enjoyed with my little lady.