Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Griff turns 12

Today is Griffin's birthday! It started with chocolate chip pancakes, and then we went to register him for school. After we got home we went to the movies and saw Pixles. It was good!
We hung out for the rest day and relaxed.
Patrick made his birthday cake.  It turned out great. We had a good day. We've sure enjoyed these last 12 years! Griffin is a great kid!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rainy Isotopes game

Patrick got home from working in Arizona this morning.  We had plans to go to an Isotopes
baseball game in the evening. We got there, got all settled in, and they said there was a rain delay. After we sat for a while, we decided to go down and get some sundaes for the kids. As soon as we got back to our seats there was crazy lightning. They told everyone to go to the concourse level. It was semi covered by the bleachers, but as soon as we got down there (with hundreds of other people) the rain started pouring and the wind was blowing so hard we ended up getting soaked anyways. We stayed huddled together for a while and eventually since the rain wouldn't stop they ended up canceling the game. We can use our tickets for any upcoming game luckily.  Was a major storm tons of rain and the Lightning was out of this world! At least it makes for some good memories.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tonto Natural Bridge

After our time in California, we headed to Arizona to meet up with Pat who was working there for the month. One day while we were there we drove to Payson to see his Great Aunt. In the morning before we went to her house we went on a hike at Tonto Natural Bridge state park.  It was really beautiful. It was fun to finally be on a hike as a family again. We even saw some wildlife. We saw some Dear and Javelinas. So glad we decided to visit this place.

Friday, July 17, 2015

American Girl store

My friend Christie, and her daughter Makenna invited Savannah and I to the American Girl store in LA for a special mommy and me dinner. Savannah has 2 American girl  dolls, and many of the books. She was super excited to go to the store! It's 2 stories tall and filled with all kids of doll stuff! It was a fun fix of museum and store, lots to see.  After looking and shopping for awhile it was time for our special dinner. The cafĂ© was so cute! They took our picture and we each got a special gift bag with goodies to take home. The food was tasty and served really quickly.  It was a really fun experience.  I let Savannah pick out one outfit for her and a matching one for her doll. She settled for these cute p.j's.  After dinner we went to a well known cupcake shop called Sprinkles. We bought some yummy cupcakes before heading home.  It was such a fun girls day. So glad they invited us.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Grandpa Pat

We spent the day with Grandma Debby and Grandpa  Pat today. We Started off riding horses at their house. Savannah had a blast! She loved being on the horses.  The faster the better.  After it was too hot to ride anymore, we headed out to lunch,  then drove out to Pearblossom to take the kids to Charlie Brown's. An old store that I grew up going to that has a little bit of everything. After a few hours there we headed to downtown Lancaster so they could show us the newly redone areas, and the farmers market. Pretty cool area. We had dinner at a place called 1800. Tasty tacos and burritos! Fun day with them.