Saturday, August 29, 2015


Another birthday came and went again.  This year I had to work on my birthday, and the kids all had school.
In the morning, I got a text from a friend to check my front porch for a surprise. What a surprise it was! A cake, and presents! After work, another friend dropped off treats and balloons(forgot to take a pic), then we went out to dinner as a family to California Pizza Kitchen.  It was really good.  We came home, had some cake, then went for a walk together.  As I went upstairs to bed I was surprised to find flowers next to my bed. Such a nice birthday.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Trevor started seminary this week. He was super excited (no, seriously). It probably helps that both of his teachers are awesome!  They dropped by a week before to see if he would abide be the seminary 7 commandments, and to get him excited . Last Sunday there was a kickoff fireside. Some of the fun things: themed breakfasts, earn 1/4 cup flour for every scripture you memorize and then they do a flour fight, no cell phones  if they catch you with a cell phone they will  contact your top two contacts and tell them to "come unto Christ"  if it is someone of the opposite sex they will call them and have a conversation with them  :-)   Monday he started class. He really thinks it's great, and has been talking religion with a friend at school,  and asked if he could give him a Book of Mormon.  It's not easy to get up super early and be at seminary at 6am (it's super hard for me to wake up to take him so early), but I'm so glad he wants to go and learn. This year they are studying the Old Testament.

5th Grader

Savannah started 5th grade on my birthday! Our last kiddo in elementary school. I thought it might be hard having 3 kids in 3 different schools,  but it's really not.  She really likes her teacher Ms. Powell.  She is teaching the students some German this year.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Back to school

The boys are both back in school.

Trevor's in high school! 9th grade came fast!  He is enjoying it so far. His classes are AP human geography, Pre AP geometry,  English, Science, PE and Latin. He comes home everday with a ton to say (seriously).

Griffin is in 7th. He's working in the cafeteria again this year. He really likes it.  His electives are Food & Nutrition and Gifted .

Hope it's a great year for both if them!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

White Mesa

This year we did the hike in the morning. We set out around 7:20 am it was a beautiful morning, and the weather was nice around 67 degrees.