Saturday, September 29, 2018

Nike Portland XC

Griffin ran a fun cross country race this morning. Sponsored by Nike. He did really good despite having a cold. I wasn't able to congratulate him though, because he took off and didn't answer my calls or messages. It's a problem I have with him from time to time. He doesn't really like me to go to his races. Not sure why. Most parents do. This is the 1st race I've gone to this season. He knew I was coming, we made eye contact while I cheered him on during the race, then he acts like he doesn't know I'm there. It's pretty rude and hurtful.  Maybe it's a teenager thing. Last year he did even want me to go to the award banquet at the end of the season.
Its too bad, I love being there to support my kids.
Like I said, he had a good race.