Saturday, November 9, 2019

Boot Camp Graduation

Last Friday, 11/1 Trevor graduated from Boot camp. It was really exciting! It wasn't the easiest trip getting to the Chicago area. Our flight was cancelled, then they put us on a new flight that would have us get in the morning of the graduation missing the whole thing completely. We ultimately decided to buy new tickets and fly a different airline there. The whole trip was rather exhausting, but definitely worth it. Trevor did such a great job during the last eight weeks. His division performed the best and won a special award. He was so happy and excited about everything. We loved his enthusiasm.  It was great seeing him and spending some time with him!

Thursday, August 8, 2019


I was going to update on life, but before I do I wanted to write about something really quick. I've been thinking about social media latley. What I've been thinking about is the persona of perfection. When I started using Instagram when it first came out years ago, it was just that. An instant snapshot of what you were doing in the moment. As the years have passed it's used much more for advertising and a way to "show off." While this is not ever each and every single user, it is a huge number. Most recently I've noticed pictures of women who have just had babies. They're posing with the perfect outfit, hair, make-up ext. It's just weird to me. I remember having my babies obviously and it was really HARD work! My body didn't just bounce back, I was way too tired to wear makeup. To be honest, I wire maternity clothes post partium for a few weeks. That's just not what is being presented. That's just one example of I'll affects of social media and trying to impress others.
I'm going to upload some pictures of me with my newborns, just so you can see what I'm talking about. I mean I was never feeling ugly or yucky. I just was tired, and wasn't thinking much about looking back at the pictures and what people might think.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Graduate

Trevor officially graduated from high school! We're super proud of him. Can't believe this is happening already. It's crazy how fast time flies.
Also, as a graduation gift I had a quilt made from old tee shirts saved from throughout his childhood. He really liked it.

Friday, June 7, 2019


Griffin had a good running season. He improved his times by quite a bit. At his last race the 1500 he ran it in 4:35

Goodbye 8th grade