Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

Getting Ready To Go Trick-or Treating

Savannah the Princess Cow

Trevor the Recycle Man

Griffin the Rock Star

It was a successful Halloween night! The kids had a good time but
they got tired fast. Savannah said it was the best Halloween EVER
I don't think she really remembers past ones. I'm the Mom that
lets them enjoy as much candy as they want on Halloween Night.
They went to town for about a half hour, then we cleaned up for
a bubble bath. They will have candy for the next few days after
meals they'll forget about it after that (they always do) .

12 inches gone...

I went and got my hair cut yesterday. It's a bit shorter than I
planned. I told the hairdresser that I normally cut it every two
years and then donate it to I told her
this time I didn't think it was long enough. She took out her
ruler and said I had 12 inches you only need 10 inches to
donate. I told her to go ahead and cut all 12 inches off. I like the
way it looks and it feels so much better. For those of you who
don't know I have really thick hair. It feels like I lost a few
pounds! I think I'm looking more like my Mom these days.
Now that my eyes are always blue and I think our noses look
similar. I'll grow it out and donate again in two more years.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trevor's First Report

Trevor did his very first oral report and diorama
at school today. He is studying nocturnal animals in his class. He was assigned mice. He did a really great diorama of the mice habitat. He did a great job telling the class all about mice. After school today it was time for parent teacher conference with Trevor's teacher. As expected Trevor is doing really well in the second grade. He excels in reading and math. Trevor's teacher Mrs. Ortiz told us that he is a really good student. She also told us that his is a great mentor to some of the children who are struggling in some areas. So far so good this year. It's amazing that we have a 2nd grader. Where does the time go? We love watching him grow into such a smart, nice, handsome little boy. Keep up all the hard work Trevor we love you! Here is a picture of Trevor with his diorama. He is posing like a mouse.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Tonight we carved our pumpkins. Trevor actually did all of his
own carving this year for the first time. Griffin tried but quickly
cut his finger. We carved his for him (maybe next year buddy).
We always try to follow to kids lines they draw as closely as
we can , I love Savannah's pumpkin with the skinny mouth.
Don't mind my dirty, messy children they usually are quite
clean. They all had a good time. I'm always taking the pictures
and recording them on camera , so I'm always finished last.
Someone has to to document it all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Deliliah & Griffin

Griffin's school's mascot is a dragon. His Kindergarten teacher
has a stuffed Dragon named Delilah. Each day she picks one
of her students who has been extra good ,and they get to bring
Delilah home for the night. Delilah comes with a journal that
the students color pictures & have help writing what they did
with Delilah while they had her. It is fun to read where she has
been and what she has done with the kids. Griffin was picked for
the very first time yesterday. His teacher thought he had already
been picked. He is always good at school. She felt bad so she told
the class Griffin could keep Delilah for 2 days. He is SO excited
to have her. She goes everywhere with him. He even made a
special little bed for her in his own bed. I'm glad that he finally
got the chance to bring Delilah home.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Political Funny

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pretty Girl

Here is Miss Savannah looking pretty this morning. She is
getting very excited about Halloween. She loves to take walks
& bike rides around the neighborhood to look at every one's
Halloween decorations. It has cooled down here. Yesterday
is didn't get past 52 degrees.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Flowers, Rain & Fun with Friends

Friday we spent the day at the Zoo with our friends.
When we got home Patrick was sleeping, but he left
me these beautiful flowers for no reason. It was
very sweet of him to think of me even though he
is SO busy & exhausted all the time.

Today we had a major rain storm. It was pouring, hailing & the

wind was howling. Needless to say we spent the day inside.

Tonight our friends invited us over. The kids made Carmel apples

& also decorated cute Halloween lanterns. After that they played

while we attempted to watch "Baby Mamma". It was a fun night,

nice to get out and finally do something today.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Movie Night

Today I bought the kids the movie Casper (one of Pat's old
favorites). After getting cleaned up and into p.j.'s I put the
movie on for them. I made them popcorn & hot chocolate
complete with some special Halloween marshmallows
(thanks to someone who Boo'd us). The kids are enjoying
their fall break. It's been nice spending extra time with them.

Here they are literally stuffing their faces with popcorn!

Balloon Fiesta Time

So it's the Annual Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque. Patrick got off
work this morning & asked us if we wanted to go look at some of
the Hot Air Balloons & have breakfast. We quickly got dressed
and headed out. It may have been the special shapes day because
we saw Smokey the Bear, a carriage, a lady bug , a spider &
Darth Vader. Of course I forgot to bring my camera, so I'll share
of photo of the kids last year with some Balloons. After looking at
some balloons we headed to Patrick's favorite place for breakfast
Wecks. We had a delicious breakfast. It was a fun morning.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Tonight we were out front ridding bikes like most evenings.
Griffin crashed and skinned his knee. He acted like he was
in so much pain. I decided we would head in a bit early.
I told him he could take a bath & after I would put on a
band-aid. The whole time he was in the tub he was
crying hysterically. I went in and checked on him. I said
"Griffin it's not that bad of a scrape, you'll be fine." Then
through his tears he cries "yes it is Mom, you can't read my
mind!" It finally dawned on me that he was overly tired.
I had forgotten that he had woken up at like 5:50 this morning.
Since he would not calm down I put him to be by 7:15 & that
poor little Griffin fell right to sleep.

Exotics of the Rain Forest

Today after school I took the boys to our local Library for a show
called "Exotics of the Rain Forest". The boys got the chance to
see and handle all kinds of animals. I only took pictures of them
with the birds they got to handle, but I think they really enjoyed
the snakes! It was fun & educational.
Trevor holding a beautiful bird on his arm.
Here is Griffin with a beautiful bird on his head!

New Clothes

It's great to have an older cousin who is just
11 months older, who shares all her really
cute clothes that no longer fit. Savannah
got a package from her cousin Shelby the
other day. She has really enjoyed hunting
through the box for something new to wear
everyday. She no longer wanted to wear anything
she had in her dresser, so I decided to clean out
all her old clothes & give them away. I still
have not put away all these new clothes.
There is a HUGE box in her room. Add that
to the two big bags full of winter clothes that
Shelby already gave Savannah a few months ago.
This girl is set. She said "I have lots of clothes,
and lots of shoes." She sure does! Thanks so
much Shelby & Aunt Kim! They've been suppling
Savannah with her clothes since she was born.