Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Tonight we were out front ridding bikes like most evenings.
Griffin crashed and skinned his knee. He acted like he was
in so much pain. I decided we would head in a bit early.
I told him he could take a bath & after I would put on a
band-aid. The whole time he was in the tub he was
crying hysterically. I went in and checked on him. I said
"Griffin it's not that bad of a scrape, you'll be fine." Then
through his tears he cries "yes it is Mom, you can't read my
mind!" It finally dawned on me that he was overly tired.
I had forgotten that he had woken up at like 5:50 this morning.
Since he would not calm down I put him to be by 7:15 & that
poor little Griffin fell right to sleep.