Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sick of Being Sick!!!!

This is starting to get a bit ridiculous. The kids
have been sick for weeks now. It started with
Savannah getting croup, then Griffin got sick
with a fever and nasty cough, the Mr. Trevor
got the bug. Griffin's cough got so bad that he
finally went on antibiotics. He was coughing
so much he was throwing up all the time all
over the place. Patrick got it next, and it wiped
him out... a few days later it was my turn.
Whatever we got made us SUPER tired.
Fevers, coughs, sore throats, congestion all
that fun stuff. We have spent tons of time
sleeping here. After that started getting better
we caught a stomach bug. Now the kids have
MAJOR coughs and fevers AGAIN!! I tell you
it does not feel like summer here. Today was a
rather cool day so, I opened up all of the windows,
changed the air filter, vacuumed and dusted
everywhere, changed all the bed sheets and
sprayed Lysol over the surface of the entire house. I hope everyone gets
better soon. This is getting really old. How I'd love to be able to do a hike
Without someone or everyone having a major coughing fit, or a meltdown cause
they don't feel good. Seriously the kids have not even been to church in weeks.
We shall see I guess.

* Update my friend Trayce thinks we need to be checked for swine flu since we've been sick so long and have all the symptoms....I'll at least call the doctor tomorrow :)