Wednesday, September 30, 2009

And now a song...

I've been meaning to put this on here for awhile.
Here is Miss Savannah at my Dad's house in Idaho,
singing a song that Grandpa taught her.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's out!!

There was lots of excitement when I picked Griffin up from school today.
Apparently he lost his tooth while he was at school. He was thrilled to show
me a tiny plastic treasure box with his tiny tooth inside. As soon as we got
home he ran upstairs to tell his Dad & show him. Patrick tried to convince him
to put the tiny treasure box up on his dresser. Griffin would not, he wanted to
keep it in his room. And wouldn't you know it as soon as his got into his room,
he opened the box and his tiny tooth fell out onto the carpet!!

Griffin started crying as he tried to find it. He was worried without his tooth he would not get money from the tooth fairy. Patrick & I sprung into action trying to recover the lost tooth.

This meant even vacuuming out the vent (dirty I know)

And a game of 'I spy'

Unfortunately the tooth was not found. And then I had an idea! Somehow I was able to locate some 'extra 'baby teeth ( not saying where they came from). I decided to use a bit of deception. Patrick said it wasn't right, but hey I need a tooth (any tooth). Griffin went to bed happily unaware that the tooth under his head was a 'loner'. It's funny the things you'll do for your kids! Shhh... no kids need to know about this!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Growing up... .loosing teeth

Look What's popping up...

Griffin officially has his first loose tooth. His much bigger permanent tooth has already come in. In true Griffin fashion he acts like it is extremely painful, making it hard to eat (especially things that he doesn't like.)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Brown Sugar Granola bars

Mixing all the ingredients together

Pressing into the pan

Look at these yummy granola bars!
Tonight Trevor made these yummy granola bars. It's a recipe that I've had
for years, but never tried. Let me tell you they are delicious! Trevor did a
great job. Trevor seems so grown up all the sudden. He is so mellow, and always
willing to help out with anything. I enjoy the fact that he still likes to spend time
with me. Try the recipe we're sure you'll like it.
Brown Sugar Granola Bars
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons honey ( we used a little more)
1 egg
1/2 cup all purpose four
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
1 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1 1/4 cup crispy rice cereal
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
Combine all ingredients together; mix well.
Press into a greased 13x9 baking pan; bake at
350 for 20 - 25 minutes. Cool; cut into bars to serve.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


This is what I did the last two days (who knew painting a door would take so
much time & effort). We loved the look of black doors while we lived in Charleston.
so that's what we decided to do. Eventually we would like to add black shutters
to our windows.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dixon Apples & Homemade Pizza

This morning after we dropped the boys off at school, we headed to the Dixon Apple Ranch. It was opening day. The champagne apples they sell are extremely popular and sell out often the very first weekend they open, so we wanted to make sure we got some. We were joined by my friend Tracye & her daughter Julia. After driving almost all the way there we hit stopped traffic about 3 miles from the place. It took over an hour to get 3 miles. Tracye decided to get out about a mile into the wait and walk, so she could stand in line for apples. That worked out pretty good. As I walked up with the girls she was ready with a wagon heading into the barn area to get our apples. We bought lots of apples in hopes of some yummy apple sauce, pies and such. While we were there we enjoyed some yummy apple fritters. Because Savannah missed school to come on this adventure, she also missed a pizza baking project. I decided to let the kids make homemade pizza's for dinner which they all enjoyed.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The tree of life

This is the first year our apple tree has produced fruit. We actually had
quiet a few apples, but many or most all fell to the ground and our dog ate
them. Today we noticed one final apple was left hanging so we decided to
harvest it before it fell into Cody's mouth. We all had some slices and we
all thought it was a very good apple. It's fun growing your own food.
Maybe next year we'll be able to enjoy more than one.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The big game

Griffin had his first soccer game today. He did a great job!
He said it was lots of fun too. In true Griffin fashion he said
that the snack was his favorite part.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Yay for laundry!!

OK, not really yay for laundry, yay for new washer & dryer that we had delivered
today. Our poor old dryer ( we got way before Trevor was born) died last week.
We had purchased a new (cheap) washer a little over a year ago, but when the
dryer gave out we decided to splurge and buy a really nice set that would last us a
long time. I love the color, the fact that they are so tall ,and how much stuff you can
fit inside. I'm so happy about the new washer & dryer. Maybe I'll start enjoying
doing the laundry.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Scout

Trevor is loving scouts so far. Here he is at his pack metting tonight.
He was asked to post the American Flag. I love seeing him happy and
excited to learn things in scouts.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

So Sweet :)

My friend Tracye just brought over this super cute blueberry pie, hot from
her oven. She is so sweet. Seriously I told Patrick "I wish I was as thoughtful
as Tracye is". She was thanking me for helping her get her new cake blog up
and running check it out
She is very talented and also very sweet! Thanks Tracye is was delicious!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Soccer Practice

Griffin has started soccer practice. It's cute to see him out there.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cute Phase

Savannah is going through a cute phase right now. She loads up every bag she
has with tons of different items, hangs them on her baby stroller, then packs
another baby on her back. She keeps all this stuff with her wherever she is in the
house. I think she looks like a bag lady. It's really cute.