Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's out!!

There was lots of excitement when I picked Griffin up from school today.
Apparently he lost his tooth while he was at school. He was thrilled to show
me a tiny plastic treasure box with his tiny tooth inside. As soon as we got
home he ran upstairs to tell his Dad & show him. Patrick tried to convince him
to put the tiny treasure box up on his dresser. Griffin would not, he wanted to
keep it in his room. And wouldn't you know it as soon as his got into his room,
he opened the box and his tiny tooth fell out onto the carpet!!

Griffin started crying as he tried to find it. He was worried without his tooth he would not get money from the tooth fairy. Patrick & I sprung into action trying to recover the lost tooth.

This meant even vacuuming out the vent (dirty I know)

And a game of 'I spy'

Unfortunately the tooth was not found. And then I had an idea! Somehow I was able to locate some 'extra 'baby teeth ( not saying where they came from). I decided to use a bit of deception. Patrick said it wasn't right, but hey I need a tooth (any tooth). Griffin went to bed happily unaware that the tooth under his head was a 'loner'. It's funny the things you'll do for your kids! Shhh... no kids need to know about this!!