Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Stars Wars Gang

Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Not again!!!

Well, we had a week with no sickness, but early this morning
Savannah started throwing up. I feel so bad for her. Hopefully
she'll be better before Halloween. Griffin was sad because
Savannah and I were supposed to go help in his class today
for his Fall Celebration. Figures that's the way it happens here.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Proud to be their Mom

I've noticed something lately I want to
share or just write about so that I can
remember. I think my kids are great!
This morning after we got home no boys
ran to play the Wii (which is something they
can only do on weekends). Instead the boys cleaned
up their room, then asked if they could
do the laundry for me. They helped each

other with some different crafts we've
been working on. They swept and mopped
the kitchen as well. After all their hard work
and so many kind words I put a movie on
for the kids. Griffin came up to me and said
"is there anything else you need from me"?
We took them all out to dinner, and as soon
as we all get in the car they all say "thank you

for taking us to dinner". These kids make me
smile, and I am very proud to be their Mom!
We have bad days just like everyone, but it
seems that they are just such great, happy,
thoughtful kids. Not bragging....just need to
put down somewhere how great I think
Trevor, Griffin & Savannah are.
On a side note we collected leaves yesterday and dipped
them in wax to preserve them. We got the idea from
Family Fun

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cody's First Nature Walk

It was a beautiful fall evening, so we decided to head down to the Rio Grand.
Up until now we've just been taking Cody on walks around the neighborhood.
He was so excited to go (he loves car rides). We all had a great time enjoying
the beautiful evening. I love seeing my kids (and dog) run around so happy.
It really is beautiful here.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Carnival

Savannah's preschool had their Fall Carnival yesterday. She got to
see Dora the Explorer and Spider man. She enjoyed ridding a horse, seeing
some chickens, getting her face painted, playing games and enjoyed lots of
yummy foods. She even took home a pumpkin of her very own (that brings
us to a total of 10 pumpkins at home). She had lots of fun!

A cute Halloween craft

Savannah helped me make this cute little witch that goes over your
doorbell. Her sign says Knock if you Dare. You find find directions
to make her here

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's offical...

Trevor has allergies
I took Trevor in to the allergist finally and he
was tested for 18 things. He is officially allergic

  1. Elm tree

  2. Juniper tree

  3. Cottonwood tree

  4. Sycamore tree

  5. Ragweed

  6. Russian Thistle (very)

  7. Pigweed

  8. Aternaria tenuis ( a mold)

  9. Cats

  10. Dogs

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eyeball Shirts

We have just been hanging around the house with sick kids (mostly Savannah now). Yesterday I found a great tutorial on how to make these cute eyeball shirts. It gave me something fun to do and the kids love them. I found the idea on the Martha Stewart website.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Balloon Fiesta Special Shapes

We got up at 5:45 to go see the Special Shapes at Balloon Fiesta. Most people
know that I am not a morning person, but it was well worth it! There were
all kinds of different balloon shapes. We brought some homemade breakast
burittos & enjoyed breakfast, then walked around to enjoy. I think that our
favorite was the Darth Vader balloon. The kids enjoyed collecting
cards from balloons ( like trading cards) and picking out pins to wear on their shirts.
It was lots of fun!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dog Woes

These pictures are pretty self explanatory. I love this puppy dog, I really do.
He is just a lot of work!! Theses are just a few of the things
Cody has eaten.