Monday, August 30, 2010

Wands & Ice cream

The kids are REALLY into Harry Potter right now.  They needed some new
wands, so on Saturday night I took them down to the Rio Grande, where they
gathered many sticks that would make perfect "wands".  Last night after dinner
we all went out to the garage and the kids got to work sanding their "wands". 
After they were sanded smooth, Dad helped spray paint the wands for the kids.
The kids are very pleased with them, and can now get back to  casting spells
on eachother.

After we finished with the wands it was finally time to use my new ice cream
 maker.I decided to make Smore ice cream, which is a flavor I knew everyone
 would  love. The kids were amazed!  They each had an ingredient to add the
 last few minutes.The ice cream was really yummy, we all loved it!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cute picture

I took this picture of Trevor & Cody a few
weeks ago.  I love it!

Not much going on here. Savannah is on day
two of staying home from school, and Trevor
is on day one of missing school.  Fevers, coughs,
runny noses, you know the deal.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Feast with the Beast

Last night I took the kids to the Zoo for an evening party.  The Zoo had a band,
lots of entertainment, free cookies & popcicles.  The kids had fun hula
hooping,  and trying their hand at jugling.  The animals are so much more
active at night, so we really enjoyed the animals and their antics.  Great way
to end our first week of school.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Trevor's wish list

After days & days of drafting it's finally ready ..... 4 months early!!

Click on the picture to enlarge so you can read it.

Looks like Harry Potter things are the hot ticket items this year!
Man oh man, I love this kid!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to me :)

I had a very enjoyable birthday.  Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone.
Since the kids were all at school, and Patrick was off of work we decided to
go out to lunch together.  We went to this awesome place called
Standard Diner. It was featured on the Food Network show Diners,
Drive-ins and Dives. The food was wonderful!  Here's a look at dessert.

And I have some pretty nice & thoughtful friends who brought
me some birthday surprises.

And she's off...

Another backpack & lunch pail joined the group today, as our
little Savannah started Kindergarden today.  She was happy
to go and join her brothers at school.

It's a new phase of our life now, with all the kids in
school all day.  It sure went fast!  I'll miss having
as much special time with my littel girl, but I know that
she will do wonderful and make lots of friends.

These guys also started school today, it's an old hat for them.
Trevor is now in 4th and Griffin is in 2nd I hope they have
an awesome year as well!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Picture Day

I took the kids to have their pictures done today.  Let me say, it was much
harder this time around than it has ever been.  Savannah was wonderful the
whole time. The boys on the other hand, well let's just say they were trying.
From not staying still, to either no smile, or huge goofy smiles.  
We survived, here's the proof.

I sure do love my goofballs!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Today I got an early birthday present in the mail from my father-in-law
and his lovely wife  ;)
I've always wanted an ice cream maker!  Can't wait to give it a try.
Thanks you guys so much, you're so thoughtful!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Take me out to the ballgame

Last night we took the kids out to their first Isotopes baseball game. 
The kids all had free tickets, and they had a special deal going for
Intel employees, buy one get one free.  So, we only had to buy
one ticket.  It was a really fun night, filled with yummy treats.
This is last last big family event we will be doing before the kids
go back to school next week.  It's been a great summer, I just
wish it had not gone so fast.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

How did this happen?

The kids all picked out lollipops at Disneyland, which they enjoyed today.
Notice the size? The biggest kid picked the smallest one, while the smallest
kid picked the biggest one. We said they could pick which ever ones they
wanted (promise),  funny how things work out.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Note to self

DO NOT squirt this

Into this

It's just a BAD mix!  It was an accident obviously, but still good to remember
what not to do.  So, now I have a swollen eye, with lots of dried glue on the
eyelashes and under the eyelid.  Yes, I flushed my eye with water for a long
time after, but this stuff is super sticky, and I could'nt get it all.  When Patrick
woke me up this morning he actually had to pry my eyelids apart (ouch)!
Hopefully it will come out soon, so I can be pain free and wear contacts again.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sad News

My Mom was in a car accident last night.  I know she has a broken foot,
and had to have surgery due to bad cuts on her head and face.  I'll be calling
soon to get another update,  Please keep her in your thoughts & prayers.

Grandma Linda & kids 7/25/10

* I was able to talk to my Mom today.  She has a broken foot, broken sternum, and
a cut from her eyebrow to the crown of her head 8 inches.  For the head cut
they stapeled until the hair line starts, then used a under the skin suture.
For her broken foot she will have a custom boot for walking for awhile.
Nothing can really be done about the sternum except a pain patch
right over that area.  Luckily that is the worst of it.
She will be in the hospital for a few days.  She was a very lucky
lady when she had the accident.  From hitting a telephone pole, then over the
 edge of a cliff, then crashing into some water.  The thing that helped her car not
sink was the fact that it was wedged into a tree.  I'm grateful that she will
be ok in the near future. 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lego fans

The boys have recently become very intrested
in plaing with their Legos.  Wer'e talking all
day long.  They build stuff, float them in water,
take pictures ect. ect. ect.

It's really cute!  We've had Legos for years,
but they normally only play with them every
once in awhile.  I actually took them out
for ice cream the other day, because they had
played Legos quietly all day.  I love it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

A little baseball practice

We took the kids out to practice catching, throwing and batting today.

Thanks Grandpa Pat & Grandma Debbie