Friday, August 6, 2010

Sad News

My Mom was in a car accident last night.  I know she has a broken foot,
and had to have surgery due to bad cuts on her head and face.  I'll be calling
soon to get another update,  Please keep her in your thoughts & prayers.

Grandma Linda & kids 7/25/10

* I was able to talk to my Mom today.  She has a broken foot, broken sternum, and
a cut from her eyebrow to the crown of her head 8 inches.  For the head cut
they stapeled until the hair line starts, then used a under the skin suture.
For her broken foot she will have a custom boot for walking for awhile.
Nothing can really be done about the sternum except a pain patch
right over that area.  Luckily that is the worst of it.
She will be in the hospital for a few days.  She was a very lucky
lady when she had the accident.  From hitting a telephone pole, then over the
 edge of a cliff, then crashing into some water.  The thing that helped her car not
sink was the fact that it was wedged into a tree.  I'm grateful that she will
be ok in the near future.