Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jemez Mtns.

I'm getting behind on blogging... The other day we went on an evening hike up in the Jemez Mountains.  It was nice to get out of the desert for awhile.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I am loved

A few mornings ago while I was in the shower the kids loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen and made me this yummy french toast breakfast.

A few minutes ago Griffin served me breakfast in bed.  I didn't take a picture, but it was scrambled eggs, a bannana, chocolate chip cookie, and hot chocolate.  I don't know what's going on, but I like it.  They have been keeping the kitchen clean and doing loads of laundry.  I feel loved!

Apricot jam

A friend of our had an abundance of apricots this year.  She brought over a huge box for us to enjoy.  I decided to make jam.  It turned out so delicous!!  This is where I got the instructions

Saturday, June 23, 2012


The kids hatched a plan a few weeks ago to have a tattoo stand.  They pick out tatoos online, and we ordered them.  They made their sign & got everything orginized.  Tonight was their first time selling their good.  Our local park hosts free movies in the park during the summer, we thought it would be a great time to set up a stand.  They did great & made a good amount of money.  They can't wait for the next time.

Just .25 for a tattoo, and you get a free mint too  :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer sickness & Rockets

We've spent the last week doing nothing much at all.  I've been sick.  I ended up with bronchitis.  One night last week I was having a really hard time breathing, so Patrick came home from work, and took me to the ER, where they gave me two breathing treatments.  I'm finally starting to feel better, and have slept pretty good the last two nights.  Two days ago when Griffin woke up he had pink eye in both his eyes.  And last week when I was super sick Savannah cut her toe really bad.  I'm happy that we're all finally getting better.

Before I got super sick, we took the kids to fly rockets at the park.  It was a blast!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A night Hike

It's 9:00am and everyone but me is still fast asleep.  I can't sleep anymore.  I'm sick, and I've got a horrible cough.  I figure I'll use this time wisley and update the family blog while I hack away.

I started getting sick Friday, but didn't feel super bad until late Saturday night.  Cough, congestion, fever.  We normally keep the house at 70 degrees during the summer, I've been keeping it at 76 (much to my family's dismay), and I'm still cold.  Hope this goes away soon.

Saturday evening Patrick took us on a FAB hike.  We started out around 6:30pm, and didn't get back to the car until 9:10pm after the sun had set.  It was a really beautiful, fun hike.   It was great to spend some good quality time as a family as well.

We also saw some cool wildlife.  We saw a couple of Horny Toads (which I have not seen since I was a kid), and on the drive out we saw a good sized rattle snake.

Looking at the snake from the sunroof

We finally made it to IHOP for dinner at around 10:30pm.  I love summer, and the time we get to spend as a family!