Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A night Hike

It's 9:00am and everyone but me is still fast asleep.  I can't sleep anymore.  I'm sick, and I've got a horrible cough.  I figure I'll use this time wisley and update the family blog while I hack away.

I started getting sick Friday, but didn't feel super bad until late Saturday night.  Cough, congestion, fever.  We normally keep the house at 70 degrees during the summer, I've been keeping it at 76 (much to my family's dismay), and I'm still cold.  Hope this goes away soon.

Saturday evening Patrick took us on a FAB hike.  We started out around 6:30pm, and didn't get back to the car until 9:10pm after the sun had set.  It was a really beautiful, fun hike.   It was great to spend some good quality time as a family as well.

We also saw some cool wildlife.  We saw a couple of Horny Toads (which I have not seen since I was a kid), and on the drive out we saw a good sized rattle snake.

Looking at the snake from the sunroof

We finally made it to IHOP for dinner at around 10:30pm.  I love summer, and the time we get to spend as a family!