Wednesday, March 20, 2013

This kitchen is CLEAN

The only room in the house that I can truly keep clean during this remodel is the kitchen.  All rooms including bathrooms have stuff stacked up.  Upstairs we are down to just plywood on the floors.
Every night before I go to bed I make sure the one room that CAN be cleaned gets cleaned!

On another note, Patrick has wanted a citrus tree for inside the house for a long time.  The other day we finally got one.  It is very beautiful, and smells so good.  Now I'm thinking about adding a Meyer Lemon tree as well.


Monday, March 18, 2013

It's great to be Eight!!

Savannah May turned eight on Saturday!!  She woke up to birthday cards from family, and tulips.

We hung out around the house most of the morning, then around 1:00 we went to Griffin's Soccer game, they won!  THen it was back home to get ready for her fun burthday party.

This year she decided to have an art party at Michaels.  The kids painted birdhouses.  We ate yummy food from Chick-Fil-A.  My friend made her adorable cake.  It was a really fun party!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Warm at last

The last few days after school have looked like this.

And it feels SO good!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's going on


An update on us, mostly in pictures.  Savannah has super dry skin, like yucky dry.  I sometimes put cream all over her hands and feet, and then put socks and gloves for her to wear to bed.
Patrick made some delish waffles this weekend for breakfast.
The work on the house continues, slow and steady.  We'll be done upstairs in about two weeks. 

We had a fun game night last night.  We played Jenga.  After a few games of that we watched Life Of Pi as a family.  We all really enjoyed it.

We've started new chores.  Daily ones, and weekend ones.  The kids are doing really good with them.

Monday, March 11, 2013


I've been thinking how fast time seems to go.  I have so many memories I'd like to share of my childhood with my own children.   I know it sounds Cliché, but things are not the same as when I was growing up.  I really wish my children could experience some of the things that I did growing up.  I know that's not entirely possible, but I can pass down stories.

I was thinking today about my Mom's mother, Grandma Bessie.  Bessie May was a fun feisty lady.
I loved going to see her.  We called her Grandma with the chickens because she had chickens, and our other Grandma did not.   I have so many wondeful memories of her, and her home.  Today though I'm thinking of one specific memory.

When we would visit, we would always stay overnight, because it was about three hour drive to her house.  At the end of the day my sister and I got to sleep in a cozy little bedroom.  I can almost hear the sound of the floors creaking.  My favorite part of the room was the bed.  It was a big red spindle bed.  It had a fluffy soft feather mattress. My mom actually slept in it when she was a young adult.  It had old quilts and pillows piled high, and I couldn't  wait until it was time to climb in. 

My Grandma would sit in there and talk with us.  While she was talking she'd clean the toe jam out from between out toes.  I know it might sound yucky to some, but it's one of those special memories I have of her.  She loved us, and enjoyed taking care of us. 

My kids never got to meet her.  She died when I was pregnant with Trevor.  I never really knew how much I missed her until recently.  I miss her, and her feisty ways.  I miss being able to spend time with her.  She was a great lady.  All I can do is pass these special stories onto my kids in hope they will understand just how special she was to me.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend Fun

It was a beautiful weekend here.   The temp was in the 60's!!  Saturday was Griffin's first soccer game of the season, they won!  After his game we walked around the Albq. Temple for a few minutes, the went out to dinner at a yummy greek resturant. Sunday I made a french toast breakfast for everyone to enjoy.  I got a sub for my primary class so we could just spend the day out as a family.  We decided to talk a walk along the Rio Grande.  The weather was beautilful!


As soon as we got down to the water Cody jumped right in.  Good thing he had his leash, the water was deep, and moving pretty fast.  He loved it though!!  We also found a dead dried out baby turtle.  I tought it was so cool, so I brought it home and cleaned in up.  I think I'll store it in a jar.  I like weird stuff like that (the kids were not as excited, but Pat thought it was cool too).

It's been a really nice weekend.  Too bad next weekend it's supposed to snow!