Sunday, August 18, 2013


Well, it's officially my birthday.  It's been a good day. Griffin called to wish me a Happy birthday, then later called again to wish me a Happy Mother's day.  Apparently, today is Mother's day in Costa Rica.  It was a nice relaxing day.  For dinner we went to my favorite Greek restaurant.  I got lots of phone calls, messages and friends dropping by.

So,  in honor of my birthday I decided to make a list of thirty-seven things about me.
1. I love Halloween.  I may be the only person I know who can burn through their birthday money buying Halloween décor.
2.Fall is my very favorite season.  I love the colors, foods, weather, all of it!
3. I have a major sweet tooth.  I don't know what I'd do without dessert.
4. I have always wanted to be a mom.  I use to play mom with all my stuffed animals, and dolls.
5. I can't ever half ass things.  When I commit to a project, I pull out all the stops to make it the very best.  Even if I don't have the time or energy.
6. I love the outdoors.  Tent camping and hiking  are my favorite ways to enjoy nature.
7. I find insects interesting.  Instead of running from them, I put them in a jar just to watch them.
8. I worry WAY too much!
9. I'm not super social.  I have a few select friends.
10. I'm a country girl at heart.  Can't wait till we can buy some land and have a little ranch.
11. I would love to have a little race car.  I'm not a mini van sorta mom.
12. I HATE folding laundry.
13. I don't mind doing the dishes, even the gross ones.
14. I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up.
15. My hair is quickly going grey.
16.  I'm a pretty forgiving person.  I never hold a grudge long.
17.  Even though we are done with babies I'm obsessed with all things that have to do with babies.
18.  My eyes have turned from hazel to blue in the last 10 years.
19. I get cranky when I'm hungry or tired.
20. I really love sleep, and require a lot.
21. I like to be crafty sometimes
22. I don't wear much make-up.
23. I don't like jewelry
24. I love the smell of fresh cut grass, laundry, and ink
25. People who don't obey traffic laws drive me nuts, even when they are trying to be nice.
26. My favorite shows are: Parenthood, Downton Abby, Grey's Anatomy, Vampire Diaries.  
27. I find it easier to text someone instead of calling or emailing.
28.  I believe in Ghosts.
29. I'm already saving stuff for future Grandkids.
30.  I'm always planning a trip or adventure somewhere.
31. I go thru phases where I read a bunch, then nothing for awhile.
32. I Hate Lima Beans!
33. I've only started liking seafood in the last few years.
34. Disneyland or the Beach are my happy place.
35. Once I make a good friend, I keep them forever.
36. I really don't want to live past 85
37.  I'm pretty sure I have ADD