Sunday, September 22, 2013

It's Fall Ya'll

Savannah dedcided she wanted to plan a special dinner today. With my help, we came up with a fall themed dinner since today is the first offical day of fall. We decided on broccoli cheese soup and homemade breadbowls. For dessert she decided to make cupcakes with candy pumpkins. We even bought mini pumkins and flowers to decorate the table.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Redwall Feast

The other day Griffin attended the Redwall Feast, hosted by our local library.
Redwall is a great book series, where the main characters are animals.
RedWall Website
They had all sorts of yummy foods from the books like shrimp soup, baked apples, apple cider, herbed cheese with crackers, just to name a few. They also played trivia games, Griffin won a prize of a chocolate squirrel from a local candy store we love (buffets). They also did a short play which Griffin had a part.

He had a blast. He loved reading these books, so sharing a feast with other kids who also love the books was extra fun!  We sure love our librarians.

Monday, September 16, 2013

NM State Fair

This past weekend we took the kids to the fair for the first time ever. Patrick & I grew up going to the fair, in fact I raised pigs with 4-H to take to the fair each summer. Since our kids don't like rides it was all about the food, animals, and exhibits.

It was lots of fun.  We even ran into a bunch of friends there!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


We never really wanted to keep the pine tree on the side if the house, but we forgot to take ut out. It had gotten pretty big 7-8 feet tall. The other day, Patrick was trimming some branches, and noticed it was infested with some sort of beatle.
He decided it finally needed to go, and gave the boys the job of chopping it down.

Friday, September 13, 2013


This week we've had a ton of rain. I love it! Makes me feel like fall is on the way. The skies have been beautiful with storm clouds. Tonight I took some pictures.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Labor Day weekend Soccer Tournament

Last weekend Griffin's team played in a tournament. They did great, and got 2nd place! They just got their medals today. Go Galaxy!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Right now Savannah is very into the books Dork Diaries.
She is a girly girl and these suite her personality perfectly! She often reads her favorite parts out loud to Patrick & me.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Griffin's Costa Rica trip

I finally got *most* of the pictures from his trip from Grandpa Pat.

Griffin had a fantastic trip!  He was gone for 15 days total.  The trip started with him flying to LAX by himself to meet Grandpa.  Their plane there was delayed, a long time.  When they finally made in to Panama,  their flight to Costa Rica had already left, so they got to spend the night there. They were put up in a fancy hotel.  He can now add another country to his list of places that he has visited.  He said Panama was very humid!

Some of the best parts of his trip were:
Curu National Park
Poas volcano
Tortuga island
I think the only bad part was getting sick on the plane.  I guess there was a sudden huge drop and Griff threw up all over himself.  He really does not like roller coasters  :)

I'm so happy with how he did on his trip.  He did call me almost everyday to chat and tell me stories of his adventures from that day.  Because of that constant contact, I didn't really miss him at all.