Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas is here!!


First off,  Merry Christmas from the Barron Family in New Mexico!!
 We had a really nice Christmas this year.  I know I always say that, but it's always true. It took some work, but Santa really pulled through.  The kids are thrilled with their gifts.
These first pictures were taken with my new camera ( I can finally take some good pictures again).

Santa brought Trevor a laptop
Santa brought Griffin an iPod touch
Santa brought Savannah a Nook HD

Here are some cell phone pictures of our morning before I opened and set up my new camera.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

The morning started off with tracking Santa.  Savannah got nice and comfy in front of the laptop.
Next, our family headed for the Zoo for some fresh air and exercise.

On the way home we drove thru Old Town to see all of the luminaria's that were set out for Christmas Eve.  Some day we'll go there on Christmas Eve and enjoy.  People were starting to light them as we drove thru around 4:30  Even unlit they are a beautiful sight.

When we got home we ate, and got busy making some sugar cookies for Santa.

After the kids were in bed, I made cinnamon rolls to have on Christmas morning.  Somehow Santa came and delivered gifts without us hearing him. 


Monday, December 23, 2013

The Eve of Christmas Eve 23rd

On the 23rd, we took the kids out to eat for lunch, then we took them to the park to play for awhile.  I didn't take any pictures of that stuff.  When we came home we baked some goodies for some of our local friends.  It was a bit of a competition between the boys & girls.  It was fun, I think we should have a family baking day every year.  After everything was done, and packed up, Savannah & Dad went to deliver to his group, and Trevor, Griffin, & Mom went to deliver to her group.

After dinner we did the traditional drive around to look at Christmas lights.  Our favorite is always "The Christmas house" they deck out every square inch of that house, it looks awesome!

 And finally, it was time to sleep by the Christmas tree.  Boy do I need a real camera, these cell phone pictures are horrible!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Finally a cure!

Monday while at work I called my Doctor to see if she could try to get my MRI appt. moved up sonner, since the headache had still not gone away (after two weeks straight). My Doctor said that since I was still having the headache, and was nausous, that I should go to the ER to get checked out. So, right after work that's what I did. I got there at 4:30 and didn't leave till 11:00.  My blood pressure was super high 171/115 (I do have high blood pressure,and have been on meds for several years). The gave me an IV and some fluids, and a CT scan. The CT was clear, so they sent me home, and told me to follow up with my Doctor. Tuesday I called in sick, and slept till 10:30. That evening with my headache still bothering me, I texted my sister in law (one of the many nurses in my family). She gave me some advice. She said it sounded like a severe migraine. She said, double up on the migraine meds, take the anti nausea meds, and take two benadryl. So as I went to bed on Tuesday, that's what I did. Wednesday morning I woke up with no headache. It was a miracle!! Thursday my Doctor called to check on me. I still have a few tests she wants me to do, and she put me on a daily medicine to prevent headaches. So far I have been feeling great!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Getting our Christmas tree

This evening we finally got our Christmas tree.  We went to the same place that had the pumpkin patch earlier this year.  It was pretty darn cold, so we didn't stat very long.



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Salute to Annie

Savannah joined the Drama club at her school this year.  Tonight was the big show Salute To Annie.
It was cute, but way shorter than I anticipated.  She looked unhappy/nervous up on stage, and when I asked her about it she said "It was the depression, Mom, in an orphanage, that was not a happy time."


She did good.  I think she has decided to take Drama again this spring.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Long headache

I've had a headache on one side of my head for a whole week now.  It's really annoying.  The pain is not horrible, but persistent.  I've also felt nauseous.  Today I finally went to the Doctor.  She ordered some blood work, an MRI (December 23rd), and gave me a shot of for migraines.  She said if it was a migraine, that this medicine would clear it up, and then we'd know for sure if it was a migraine or not.  Well, they didn't warn me about how bad the shot would hurt.  Oh, wow!!  I have never had a shot hurt that bad.  It went deep into my muscle, and it hurt.  It brought me to tears.  I couldn't lift my arm or hardly move my arm for hours.  And if that was not bad enough, it didn't work.  Looks like it was not a migraine.   I really hope I/they can figure out what's causing the headache soon.