Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snow Days

We woke up Friday to several inches of snow. Although Savannah & I were already off for the day, all schools closed. It was pretty clear most of the day, but around 2 pm it started snowing again. It snowed all thru the night until about 9am. Saturday.  We got a pretty good amount of snow,  and the kids enjoyed playing in it.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Valentine's Day

Date night

The other night Patrick took me on a surprise date night to see a Cirque du Soleil show.  It was cool!  The performers are all amazing. We couldn't believe how strong these people were.  If was a fun night out.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Health Scare

If there is a rare condition or illness out there, you can bet I'll be the one that gets it. 

I went to the Doctor last Wednesday for a check up.  Nothing big just some small things.  She said she didn't like the blood pressure numbers she has seen for the last year or so.  She decided to  have me do a full work up with blood work, and for me to monitor my blood pressure for six weeks.  I do have high blood pressure.  I've had it for about six years now.  It's hereditary, both parents and four out of the six kids have it.  I did change medications about a year ago. Also, my right hand and arm all the way up to my shoulder had been really sore.  She wasn't sure why, and said it sounded like a nerve problem.

Fast forward to yesterday (Friday)  I decided to go ahead and stop at the hospital to do the blood work on my way to work.   In the afternoon I noticed a missed call from my Doctor's office.  There was a voicemail that said I needed to call them back ASAP.  Worried I called back.  She said that my potassium levels were critically low.  She said I was at 3.0 and they hospitalize when you get to 2.8 and you can have cardiac problems at 2.5 or sooner.

You start having headaches, fatigue, and muscle cramps, then ultimately heart problems. 
Like I said before my arm had been hurting up to my shoulder for about a week.  On Friday, my other shoulder was hurting. Friday  I was subbing in a class, and my right leg starting getting horrible cramps.  This past few weeks I've been extra tried, and have had really bad headaches. This was all before I got the phone call.

Within an hour of getting home from work, I was in so much pain!  I was having muscle cramps in my legs, arms, and pelvic area.  I took a hot bath thinking that might help the pain.  I could barley walk.  I called my brother who is an ER Nurse to get some advice.  He said that we needed to buy potassium supplements asap. He said to take 10 of them and my muscle cramps should get better.  Patrick ran to the store and bought some, and also Ensure (because it's high is potassium).  Within 1 hour the cramps were gone.  I had 1 more Ensure before I went to bed. 

Basically they think the blood pressure meds I have been on were causing my body to deplete it of the potassium I need. They stopped that one and put me on a new one.  I go back for blood work in a week. After that they will decide if more needs to be done.

This morning and today my body is sore!  I feel like I was hit by a car. I'm exhausted.  I have a pretty good headache as well.  Patrick bought orange juice, and bananas.  I took three more potassium pills.  My brother said no more after that.  If my potassium drops again they need to know, and that means it is not the blood pressure med that was causing it.  Hopefully I start feeling better.

It was a scary experience.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Where did the time go?

Griffin has transferred pictures from our old desktop to one of our laptops for me.  I didn't know how to, and to him it was easy peasy!  I'm so glad he did.  I LOVE looking at old pictures and videos.
Can't believe how little my babies were.



I thought as a kid when you become an adult you have it all figured out.  I don't know why.....

I find myself nearing 40 and still can't explain who I am.

Today after a staff meeting I was cranky. I often just say exactly what I'm thinking. I'm in no way shy with my opinions. I think I deserve to be heard and respected.  That doesn't always happen.  That gets me frustrated and in turn makes me cranky. Afterward I ALWAYS worry that I said too much, or said the wrong thing.

Tonight it made me start thinking about ME.                                                

I worry that I'm too passionate
I worry that I'm too opinionated
I worry that I curse too much
I worry that I'm too impatient
I worry that I'm too chunky & out of shape
I worry that I don't allow myself to make friends
I worry that I will never achieve greatness
I worry that I'm not smart enough

I have suffered for the last few years with anxiety & sometimes with depression.

I really want to push all the worry aside and just be myself.  I want to only care about the things that really matter to ME.  If people don't like me, then they don't.  I need to see the good in me because it's there, and it's so important that I accept and love who I am.

Right now I'm trying to teach Savannah not to worry so much what other people think.  It would help if I didn't worry so much too.

* To anyone who may read this.  This is just a place for me to vent.  I want to look back and remember my struggles as much as the successes in my life.