Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The adventures of moving away...

We found out about the possibility of a move around Thanksgiving.  We officially found out that Patrick got the job transfer the early part of January.  Things moved pretty fast from there.

  We planned to leave for Oregon about six weeks later.  There was lots of work to be done on the house to get it ready to list for sale. Packing, and sorting thru tons of stuff. Patrick took all of Feb off of work to accomplish some of this stuff.

 Once I quit my job Feb. 19th we had one week left in NM and I was finally able to help more.  We spent far too many nights up way too late doing work.  A few nights we were up into the wee hours of the morning. It was super exhausting! We spent the last few nights in a local hotel.

 Friday morning Feb. 26th we picked up the moving truck and started packing up.  The plan was to hit the road on Sat the 27th, but we ended up staying an extra day finishing stuff up.

  We officially left NM Sunday  Feb. 28th.  We were so happy to finally be on the road!  We didn't get three hours before the dolly towing Patrick's car started smoking.  We went to a gas station where we ended up waiting for like four hours (at a dirt lot middle of nowhere) before a tow truck finally came and towed the dolly and Patrick's car to a hotel in Durango, Colorado.  We were told we'd have a new dolly delivered by 8:00am the next morning.  LIE. We hung out at a park, walked around the old town, went shopping, out to eat killing time waiting to hear something.

 By mid afternoon Patrick sent Trevor, Savannah, Cody (our dog) and me ahead while he and Griffin waited for the new dolly to be delivered.  Luckily just 2 1/2 hrs. after we left they were able to hit the road. I had a hard time seeing while driving in the dark, so when I got into Provo/Orem I got us a hotel room.  A few hours later Griffin & Patrick joined us.  It was nice to have our family back together again.

 In the morning we had an easy three hour drive to my Dad's house up in Idaho. No problems, luckily.  Once we arrived, we chatted for awhile, then we went for a long walk with them.  Luckily they had some muck boots for us all to wear. The ground was covered in snow and mud.  After the long walk our family went to relax at he hot pools. When we felt like limp noodles, we met my Dad and Shelly for dinner at a local place.  After dinner we hung out for a short time and also did a little house selling paperwork.  We went to by 8'oclock.

 Before we knew it the alarm  was ringing and it was time to hit the road again.  We left at 4:30am!

Lucky for us the final drive was easy.  We were sure happy to finally arrive in our new rainy home in Oregon.  We got the keys to our new 1,300 foot townhouse (rental) and then went out to eat. I remember hardly being able to keep my eyes open at dinner.  We slept on the ground that night (ouch). The very next morning we unpacked the truck but not before Trevor got injured by the car dolly,(poor kid)), (he's ok) re-packed the truck with stuff that was going to storage, ran to storage, unloaded truck once again, drove to IKEA bought new mattress for everyone, then came home and set our new beds up.  It was a long, busy day! The kids have started school, explored a bit, and I've realized mud is my nemesis.
Some of these pictures are out of order...