Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Last Sunday was Mother's day. I'm just now getting around to blogging about it. It was a perfect kind of day.

I woke up to a delicious breakfast made by Patrick (with some help from Savannah). He made french toast with cinnamon chip bread from Great Harvest.

There were also some beautiful flowers and sweet cards.

After breakfast,  we headed to  Church.  Trevor was speaking in sacrament meeting.  He came up with his talk all on his own, when I asked if he needed help he said "No, it's a Mother's Day surprise. "
It was such a great talk! He did wonderfully.  After church they handed out potted flowers to all the mother's.  We left after that. Only stayed for sacrament.  We came home, and Patrick and I took a nice nap, heavenly. 

When we woke up we drove to Hagg Lake to explore. That was my request for the day. Go somewhere ourtdoors. He hiked along the lake for about 3 miles. It was really pretty.  We drove around to check out a few more lake area's before heading home.

At home Patrick made another great meal. Delicious pork medallions. Dessert was a yummy cheesecake.

I am constantly wondering if I'm doing a good job at this mothering gig. The way the kids are turing out, I'd say I'm doing alright. They are good kids with kind hearts. I feel loved!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pittock Mansion

The libraries here have  cool cultural passes  you can check out for various destinations around Portland and get in for free. Yesterday  Patrick and I explored the Pittock Mansion. It's beautiful set up on a hill above Portland.  I love historic homes and the stories they tell and this home was mo different.  Mr. Pittock and his wife arrived here on The Oregon trail. He was penniless when he got a job at The Oregonian newspaper. By age 24 he owned the paper. Pretty neat success story.  They moved into the mansion in 1914 and only lived there a few short years before their deaths.  We really enjoyed visiting.  Next time we'll bring the kids.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Feeling sad

The rollercoaster continues....

I thought I was doing better, then BAM! Super sad again. I finally got a job after
2 1/2 months.  I'm working as a sub. I had my first day yesterday.  That's what triggered the sadness.  It's so different here. I miss my job, my coworkers, my students.  People just don't seem very welcoming and friendly to subs.

This morning I woke up way early only to find this big spider on my bathroom door, yuck!

After I got home to day I noticed Patrick left this little heart guy to cheer me up. Didn't exactly work. The tears just kept coming.

Family visit

The kids didn't have school on Friday, so we headed up to Washington to visit my brother Chris and his family. They live in Sequim, Washington for another month and a half. Then, they will be relocating to Alaska! The weekend was super fantastic! It was really nice to be with family it meant a lot to me. The kids had so much fun seeing each other. We went to a drive-thru Wildlife Park where you get to feed whole wheat bread to the animals. that was so fun! Savannah kept saying the whole time "wow, this place is awesome!"
We also checked out of Olympic National Park. There is still snow on the mountains there. The scenery was stunning. We saw a lot of deer. I also went to this place called Dungeness spit Beach where the kids loved playing.
It was great.  Next time they are going to come down here to visit with us before they head to Alaska. I wish they weren't moving away.