Saturday, June 24, 2017

Very overdue update on life in Portland

I have had tons of problems with blogger,  so I just gave up keeping up with this.  Now, almost seven months have passed since I've been able to log in. A lot has happened, but I don't feel like trying to recapture all of that so I'm just going to start from where we are right now. I'll do a little recap with no pictures of the events.
December- we celebrated Christmas which was nice. Savannah got a cat for Christmas she named him Oliver.
January-we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. We had a major snowstorm that dropped nearly 10 inches of snow!
February- Trevor got his driver's permit.
March- Our cat Oliver, started getting sick and losing control of his back legs. We took a spring break trip to Seattle which was wonderful. We ended up having to put the cat down, which was incredibly sad. Savannah celebrated her 12th birthday with a hiking party which was fun and messy!
April- Griffin ran in track.
May-  Patrick flew to California for his Uncle Dave's memorial service. We took a trip up to Washington for our friend Dave's retirement from the Navy it was a good, fun weekend. Celebrated Mother's Day at the beach which was wonderful.
June- We went to the Rose City fair. Griffin went to the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. Savannah had a choir concert. Griffin got second place in a speech and debate tournament. Griffin was in a Shakespeare play.  We celebrated both Patrick's birthday and Father's Day on the same day. We went out to eat, went to the zoo and went to the movies and saw Cars 3. It was a great day. The kids finished up school. I finished up work.

That's kind of where we are now I'll do my best to kind of updating this. To be honest, I haven't really missed it. I do know though, if I don't keep blogging I'll kick myself down the road someday so, I'll try. Life here is going well. Looking forward to starting house hunting in the next few months, finally.