Thursday, November 9, 2017

Crazy Life

Things have been crazy lately.

Lowe's messed up with the installation of our new washing machine, causing water damage. Still waiting on contractors to come fix stuff.

I've been dealing with some migraine / nerve pain, and missed a little bit of work. Both Patrick and I have major allergies and can never seem to breathe! We live on Afrin, Claritin, essential oils in a cool humidifier at night. I have an upcoming appointment with a neurologist.

We ordered new checks with our new address. They got sent to our old address in New Mexico! We had to have stop payments put on those boxes. Our bank then had to change our account number. While we were at it, we decided to switch Banks. We have had a primary and secondary accounts with different banks, so we decided to switch them. Tons of work!

Our dog Cody has some sort of growth on his bum. He went to the vet and had a biopsy done. Waiting for results. Poor guy, hope he's ok.
* Heard back from the Vet. It's a tumor. We need a surgical consult now.

We spent the weekend refinishing furniture. Patrick had just bought a new Sander. A really nice one, almost $300. He let the kids use it to sand some stuff. The next day, as I came home with the kids Trevor was driving, he was going to fast. He crashed into Patrick's car parked in the driveway. He didn't even apologize. After we all got out, Patrick laid into the kids because apparently the kids left his brand new Sander outside in the pouring rain. He was mad! We left the kids to fend for themselves while we went out to a nice dinner to try to calm down. We checked after a week, and luckily the Sander is still working, yay!

Griffin didn't want me to attend his Cross Country award ceremony. He actually said he didn't know why I would need to be there. He was being a punk. Trevor was at work, so Savannah and I went out to dessert together. We picked the boys up much later in the evening. Lot's of late night commuting over the mountain. In the morning, Trevor came and told me Griffin had been throwing up all night. It was everywhere, even on the walls! Like a scene from The Exorcist! The rest of us headed into work/school for the day. When I left work, my car wouldn't start. I was out of gas! I tried to call Patrick, but he was still sleeping. I ended up walking to Savannah's school. I think that took about 40 min. After I had her, we headed out to find a gas station. I walked for hours before I finally got ahold of Patrick. He came over the mountain to our rescue. My feet were killing me. We eventually got picked up, and got some gas. We enjoyed Chick-fil-A before getting more gas and the heading home. Finally made it home around 6:30pm. Only after 4 hours after I got off work.

Patrick left to take Trevor to work over the mountain. Left both his work and personal phone on top of his car. Didn't realize until after he'd made it into town. Griffin and I searched in the dark and rain until we finally found them. Work phone almost untouched. Personal phone crushed!

Just some of the craziness going on
recently. Now Patrick has the stomach bug. It'll get better I'm sure.