Monday, March 18, 2019

Our Cody

It's been almost 10 months since we lost our Cody. Sometimes it feels like the days have dragged, other times it feels like time has sped up. Last fall, we noticed a little bump on his bottom. We thought nothing of it initially but after a while we decided to have it checked out. We really thought it was just a bug bite or something. We took a Min to the vet and they did a biopsy. We got the the results that it was cancerous. We were referred to a Surgical Specialist. You still felt like it wasn't a big deal. Turns out we were wrong. at that consult, they discovered where the tumor was located and the type of tumor it was it wasn't going to be able to be surgically removed. It would create all kinds of issues for him and they wouldn't get clean margins. Chemo was an option but the odds of it coming back and stronger were very high. We decided to just let Cody live out his life as long as we could. For the most part, he seemed she did fine. After a few months he had a few bouts here and there or he would have the shakes or would seem extra needy. Overall though he was himself. This past spring we knew time was coming to an end his tumor was growing large and he was having more periods of sleeping all the time. He was a losing weight even though he was eating just fine. We had to make the difficult decision to put him down. On May 20th we had our final day with our boy! We took him out to a park by the river and let him run and play and he had so much fun! It was hard to watch him. He loves the water and he loves playing and running around.After work, we drove to his favorite place Dairy Queen and we ordered him a pup cup his favorite treat. That night, it's like he sensed things were happening he crept into our room one stood by my bed after I had gone to sleep okay no distant there and so I invited him onto my bed which I never do. He spent half the night sleeping with us.sometime in the middle of the night he got off our bed and went back into bed with Trevor where he normally sleeps. In the morning of the 21st we all give him a kiss and said our goodbyes. I still remember him looking back at me as we walked out the door that morning. I miss his little tap dancing on the wood floors. I miss kissing him between his eyes on us furrowed brow. I miss his deep sighs.I miss him going crazy when people come over. I miss the way he smells. I just miss his companionship. Ge was seriously the best dog for us, we loved him so much. He will always be a part of our family.