Sunday, November 30, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day 2008

Patrick drew this, it was our motto for the day.

Deep frying the turkey

Elenore, Trayce & my Mom Linda

Kids Table (getting hungry)

One of our tables

Our other table
We had a great Thanksgiving! My Mom flew in Monday night.
We were able to spend some time with her. My sister Kim &
her family arrived late Wednesday night. My step-mom
Shelley's family actually live here in Rio Rancho, so they
joined us and one of Patrick's friends from work also came.
We had lots of good fun, food and conversation. We are
thankful to have friends & family. We hope you all had a
GREAT Turkey Day!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Griffin's Feast

Today Griffin's class had their Thanksgiving Feast. First the kids
sang us some songs. They were really cute. After the songs each
one of the kids said what the were thankful for. Griffin said he was
thankful for everything. After that we enjoyed the feast that the
kids made. We enjoyed beef stew, corn bread muffins, pumpkin
pie and Pilgrim hat cookies. It was lots of fun. I know that Griffin
was trilled to share this special day with us.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I can't imagine living without...

Trevor wrote this the other day at school during his free writing
time. I loved it! It touched my heart to see what is important to
a seven year old boy.

I can't imagine living without toys.
I can't imagine living without my voice.
I can't imagine living without candy.
I can't imagine living without cocoa beans.
I can't imagine living without water.
I can't imagine living without hair.
I can't imagine living without air.
I can't imagine living without books.
I can't imagine living without work.
I can't imagine living without a car.
I can't imagine living without trees.
I can't imagine living without parents.
I can't imagine living without friends.
I can't imagine living without seeds.
I can't imagine living without glass.
I can't imagine living without plastic.
I can't imagine living without Zachary.
I can't imagine living without money.
I can't imagine living without heat.
I can't imagine living without a chair.
I can't imagine living without the sun.
I can't imagine living without the moon.
I can't imagine living without my senses.
I can't imagine living without our Country.
I can't imagine living without our State.
I can't imagine living without our City.
I can't imagine living without plants.
I can't imagine living without food.
I can't imagine living without fun.
I can't imagine living without light.
I can't imagine living without pillows.
I can't imagine living without darkness.
I can't imagine living without school.
I can't imagine living without a t.v.
I can't imagine living without scissors.
I can't imagine living without numbers.
I can't imangine living without wood.
I can't imangine living without letters.
I can't imagine living without soil.
I can't imagine living without dirt.
I can't imagine living without mud.
I can't imagine living without eyes.
I can't imagine living without bones.
I can't imagine living without a clock.
I can't imagine living without sugar.
I can't imagine living without a name.
I can't imagine living without a president.
I can't imagine living without a vice- president.
I can't imagine living without the seasons.
I can't imagine living without wind.
I can't imagine living without a PARTY!
I can't imagine living without gifts.
I can't imagine living without words.
I can't imagine living without sound.
I can't imagine living without gold.
I can't imagine living without silver.
I can't imagine living without tickets.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Savannah's friend Julia turned 3 yeasterday. Instead of a traditional party she had a Girls Days Out with Savannah & another friend Chloe. First the girls went and had their fingernails & toenails painted at a favorite nail place. Then we headed to the mall where they enjoyed lunch in the food court. After that we headed to Build A Bear where each girl got to make whatever they wanted. Savannah choose a pink cat called she named Hannah Montana. They each got a cute purse as a favor loaded with things like lip gloss, princess cell phone, neckalaces, gum ect. It was a really fun day out for the girls. I know Savannah was thrilled with the whole thing. Seeing these three princesses walk thru the mall looking so pretty was priceless!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Pictures

Daddy & Daughter

Mom with her Boys

Thursday, November 6, 2008

To Pooped To Pull Up You're Pants??

About an hour after I put Savannah down for her nap
I heard her get up to use the bathroom. I little while
later I headed upstairs to check on her & this is what
I found

Have you ever been THIS tired??

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Risk Anyone?

I woke up from an afternoon nap to find this

Patrick was showing the kids how to play Risk. He's a great Dad!

I really appreciate the time he takes to do special things with the

kids. They have great adventures with him.

Election Day

Well Election Day is upon us. I must say I am relieved. I'm not one of those people who thinks it brings the Country together, I feel like it separates the Country. To be honest I'm not all that excited about either of the Candidates. Patrick is off voting now, and I'll be going later this afternoon. We shall see what tomorrow brings. Something funny, when I picked the boys up from school the other day Trevor tells me that they voted in school and that he voted for Barack Obama, then Griffin tells me that he voted for John McCain. I asked both of them why they voted for who they did. Trevor said Barack was just really good. Griffin said that he heard McCain on the radio. Good reasons for a kid. Later that night I was on the phone with my sister, I told her about how the boys had voted. She talked to both of them. While she talked to Griffin she asks him if he had fun learning about the candidates and about the election process. He said "I didn't learn anything, I just voted"! We thought that was pretty funny ,it made us both laugh. I'm glad that they are teaching the kids about the whole process at a young age. I don't remember talking about it in elementary school. That was a LONG time ago so who knows. Go out and vote for 2008!