Thursday, April 23, 2009


After playing in the mud...
After bath/showers

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Girls trip to Tucson

Well... Savannah & I had a great trip to Tucson. It was nice to
be able to go away for almost a week. No boys bugging us. We are
going to do this more often we've decided. It was great to see my
new nephew Cooper. He is really adorable. We also were happy to be
there for my niece Shelby's 5th b-day. We enjoyed the Tucson Zoo
and the Tuscon Botanical gardens. I was also able to spend a day
with an old high school friend of mine. Shawn, Savannah & I had
a great breakfast at Hotel Congress then we headed to Kartchner
Caverns.These caverns were amazing! If you're ever in the Tucson area
they are a must see. It was great to hang out with my old friend.
All in all it was a great trip. I loved snuggling with baby Cooper
and Savannah LOVED playing with Shelby and her dog Cassius.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm in love with another man.......

My new little Nephew that is. We're back from our trip to Tucson.
We had a great time! I'll be posting a slideshow tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bye boys....

I'm heading out to Tucson in the morning with Savannah for 6 days.
The boys will be staying at home with Dad. When Griffin found out
that I'd be gone for 6 whole days he cried immediately saying "I want
my mommy." I told him I'd be gone for less than a week he said "that's
a lot of hours." I know both the boys will have a good time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Girls gone wild......

All these girls keep Savannah company in the bath. Hopefully this will be the last time we see Savannah on the internet naked, in a bath tub full of girls!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dying Easter Eggs.... (and a video)

The kids enjoyed dying their Easter eggs tonight. Mostly they just wanted to eat them, they love hard boiled eggs. Their little hands got quite dirty, but that's ok they were very happy with the way their eggs turned out.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Grandma Shelley is in town for Easter. We met Grandma Shelley, along with her Mom, Sister & Brother at the Zoo today. The kids had a great time. As you may know their favorite part is always feeding the fish & ducks. The boys took a camel ride for the very first time. It was a beautiful day. After the Zoo we went to lunch at the Route 66 diner. It a great 50's place. Savannah & Trevor enjoyed grape sodas and Griffin enjoyed a chocolate malt. We stuffed ourselves with yummy diner food. It was nice to spend the day with them. When we got home we got the mail and the kids we thrilled to get Easter cards from Grandma Linda with $10.00 each. So, yes our Good Friday was indeed good.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Savannah we know....

Savannah is "joy" that's the best way to describe her personality. She is happy, fun to be around, and very likable. She has her sassy moments, but for the most part she is very mellow & happy. She is all girl which is nice. She loves all things princess. She loves to dress up in pretty clothes. She enjoys playing with her baby dolls & is very nurturing. Having Savannah around makes you happy. She is always ready for a hug or kiss. She enjoys spending time with Mom & Dad. Lately she been partial to Dad she calls him Dada and she calls me Mama. We could not have asked for a sweeter more happy little girl. Being the youngest of three kids, I have not been in a hurry to get her out the door just yet. I enjoy spending time with her. We do errands together, make crafts together, go fun places like Hoots, the Zoo or the nail place. I am trying to get her into Shining Stars preschool for next year, but if not she'll just spend one more year at home with me. She has grown up quickly....way to quickly. Before I know it she'll be a teenager. Hope she will still be as sweet as she is now . We sure love you Savannah May......

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Last night Patrick had the kids plant veggie seeds. He likes to get
the plants started in the house, and when they are big enough he
transplants them to the garden. We also bought a new tree for
the backyard called a Texas Umbrella shade tree, we planted that
the other day. So glad that spring is here.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday dinner....

So today I'm trying a recipe I read about. It's called Coke Chicken.
Basically it's a whole chicken, 1 bottle of bbq sauce, 1 can of coke,
1 onion and 1 lemon : put them all in the crockpot and let it cook all
day long. I play on making some corn on the cob to go with it.
Savannah helped add in the onions & lemons. I hope it turns out good.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sleep....or lack of

Lately getting a good night sleep has been hard.
Really it's mainly for 2 reasons:



Yes these two particular kids are the problem. Up many times a night. Once I get one down the other one wakes up. Griffin has night terrors and Savannah just seems to like to get up several times a night crying for the fun of it. I can't blame them entirely for being tired, but they sure don't help anything. This too shall pass.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

As Savannah grew....

Savannah was easy from the beginning. She was always happy.
The boys loved having a baby sister. Trevor was always really
good with her. Griffin was a little rough, but he loved her.
Savannah slept great which was new to us. She woke up
smiling every morning. Being the youngest she spent
a lot of time crawling after her older brothers . When she
was born Griffin couldn't say her name so he called her
Nanna. After awhile we all started calling her May or
May May. Having three kids three & under was well,
busy all the time. We could not have had a better
baby than Savannah. By the time she was a year old we
started calling her "crazy legs" she loved to dance and would
get those skinny little legs of hers going. Happy Happy &
Happy is the best way to describe her during the first few years.