Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Savannah we know....

Savannah is "joy" that's the best way to describe her personality. She is happy, fun to be around, and very likable. She has her sassy moments, but for the most part she is very mellow & happy. She is all girl which is nice. She loves all things princess. She loves to dress up in pretty clothes. She enjoys playing with her baby dolls & is very nurturing. Having Savannah around makes you happy. She is always ready for a hug or kiss. She enjoys spending time with Mom & Dad. Lately she been partial to Dad she calls him Dada and she calls me Mama. We could not have asked for a sweeter more happy little girl. Being the youngest of three kids, I have not been in a hurry to get her out the door just yet. I enjoy spending time with her. We do errands together, make crafts together, go fun places like Hoots, the Zoo or the nail place. I am trying to get her into Shining Stars preschool for next year, but if not she'll just spend one more year at home with me. She has grown up quickly....way to quickly. Before I know it she'll be a teenager. Hope she will still be as sweet as she is now . We sure love you Savannah May......