Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cold morning and a nice afternoon

This morning Griffin had his first Soccer game of the spring season.
Let me tell you, setting an alarm on a Saturday morning is not my idea of
 fun! It was early and super, super cold.  Griffin did good and was not
bothered with the weather.  When we got home I made the kids some
hot chocolate.
Griffin guarding the goal (the only picture that came out today)

Later in the day it started to warm up.  It turned out to be a very nice
day.  After Patrick woke up we did some shopping at Costco, and while
 driving home we decided to go on a late afternoon adventure.  We went
home, unloaded the car and got Cody.  We drove up to the Jemez Dam and
did a hike.  It was nice to get out and enjoy Beautiful New Mexico.