Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Balloon Fiesta Day 2 & Family time

My sister & her two kids came down for a visit last Wednesday
(her husband had to work). On Thursday my Mom joined us for
a visit as well.  It was great having everyone around.  On Thursday
evening we headed to Balloon Fiesta for the special shapes glow.
We brought a picnic dinner with us, and were super excited.
Well, as luck would have it the winds were too high, so the glow
was cancelled  :(
We still had a good evening hanging out, seeing the sights,
shopping, and getting cards from the balloon pilots.

While they were here we went to the Indian Pueblo Cultural
center. It was pretty cool.  The kids enjoyed the dancers, and
the hands on activities the museum had.  After that, we went to
old town for lunch and shopping.  It was a fun day!
Aunt Kim bougght the kids feathers and
the kids made up a game called Eagles & Owls
which they played the rest if the visit, cute!
We got to kiss these cheeks a bunch!
It was so nice to have them come for a visit!  Griffin had extra
people cheering him on at his soccer game, we had lots of fun
play time with cousins, and I enjoyed some time with my mom
& sister.  Oh, my mom is healing from her car accident,
she's not 100% yet, but she's doing much better.  It was a great
visit, thanks for coming!