Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bummer summer...... sorta

This summer is not going quite as I had planned.  I've been having some medical issues, and I've been completley wiped out with fatigue.  My problems with nausea & vommiting has gotten worse.  I am trying a new medication for the nausea, but side affect is headaches (so of course I'm having those too).  Anyways, I have little energy most days.  I've been trying to do something fun with the kids or get some housework done when I'm feeling good.  Most days, honestly I've been spending a huge portion in bed.

Yesterday, I surpervised the kids making a chocolate pizza. In the book I am reading to them, the candy factory serves chocolate pizza for lunch.  I thought it would make a good desert.  The kids did a great job making it, and everyone thought it tasted yummy.

On another note, we finally got cell phones.  I downloaded a few free games.  The kids are hooked, they beg to play games on my phone all the time.

I'm still doing the running club.  I've just found it a lot harder to find the modivation to go on my mid week runs.  I hope I will be able to run the half marathon in October.  I'm also hoping I'll start feeling better sooner than later.  I don't want to have a bummer summer.