Friday, July 1, 2011

What a week so far

Monday-  I got a call from my Doctor's nurse early in the morning.  She explainded that my blood work showed some numbers were off and it looks like my Kidney's are not functioning correctly.  I was told to drink TONS of water, to rule out dehydration, then get more blood work done Tuesday.  We went to the movies as a family and saw Cars 2, it was good.  I had to leave to use the bathroom 5 times during the movie because I was drinking so much water.   The kids and I all had Dentist appointments for cleanings.  In the evening was Karate & Swim lessons.

Tuesday- I felt sick and was having really bad leg pain. I went to the lab to get more blood work done. Got a quick hair cut.  She took about 7 inches of hair off.  In the evening we had swim lessons again.

Wednesday-  Cleaned the house with the family to get ready for my family coming for a visit.  In the early afternoon I went to have my MRI done.  I HATED every minute of it!  It took an hour, and I am a bit  claustrophobic, it was hard for me to stay calm.  I had an IV so they could do images with a dye as well.  No fun at all.  Swim lessons in the evening again. Major leg pain in the afternoon and my feet started swelling.  After swim we picked up some pizza and salad and waited for our family to arrive.  It was so nice that my brother Chris & his family were able to stop to see us on their drive out to their new home in Michagan.  The kids were so happy to see their cousins & their pets (2 dogs & 1 cat).

Thursday-  I wake up early to head to the Dentist, again.  This time for a crown.  She had a super hard time getting me numb.  Finally after seriously a ton of very painful shots. she tells me I actually need to have a root canal.  She tries to get me in somewhere right away.  Nobody has time.  She gives me antiobotics, and pain meds and I say I can tough it out and make it thru the long weekend.  After just a few hours I am in a lot of pain.  Luckily an  emergency Endodontist calls per my Dentist request.  She is close and could take me at 2:00, I take the appointment.  Even though I don't want to be away from my family that is visiting, I can't make it thru the long weekend in pain.  She as well could not get me numb.  After many more shots she gives me two options. #1 She can drill right down  into the root canal space then numb directly in there or  #2  put a temorary cap on it and try again next week.  I can't imagine doing it all again next week, so I go with option #1.  She warns me it will be very painfu, but she'll make it as quick as she can.  I was not ready for that kind of pain.  It hurt SO BAD!!  Luckily it worked, and I was finally numb.  It went fine, and I headed home with a numb face for the second time in one day.  About 30 minutes after I got home the pain hit me.  I could not keep it in I was crying in pain.  I took my pain meds and luckily within an hour I started to feel a lot better.  Since I felt like I had not done anything with my family, I thought we could at least go walk down by the Rio Grande in the evening.  We drove down there only to discover it was all closed off.  I guess they are trying to prevent fires.  Earlier in the day someone started a fire down by the river.  Most trails are closed right now due to fire prevention.  So, we went home and played in out front yard instead.  The kids still had a really fun time.  It has been quite the week.  Now I've got to clean up again because tomorrow evening Patrick's family arrives for a visit  :)