Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Early Turkey Day

We just got back from a fun trip to Las Cruces, NM where we spent a few days with Patrick's family.

Partick's sister & her husband are living there currently (not for long), so we were all able to celebrate Thanksgiving together.  Patrick's Dad and his Brother (and his three kids) came from California too.

We enjoyed dinner's together.  Making smore's over a fire. Playing board & video games. Worked on a really hard puzzle.  White Sands (although we got there just as a major storm hit, yuck).  Swimming at our Hotel pool.  Had a blast with a pinata.  Did some crafts, and ate lots more!!!

We had a really good time.  It was nice to be able to spend this time with family.  I know the kids had a BLAST with their cousins.  We can't wait to do it again


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lazy, Sad Day

Today we have been completly lazy.  We all woke up, had breakfst then spent the entire day napping, watching movies, playing wii, and reading.  All while in our p.j.'s for the entire day.  Sometimes it feels good to drop everything and do nothing.

On another sad note we got a call late this afternoon from Patrick's Dad letting us know that his sister, our Aunt Laurie had just passed away.  She has been fighting Melenoma for a few years now.  It's so sad that one day our loved ones can be gone just like that.  She was the very first person I ever met in Patrick's family (even before I met his dad)  She leaves behind her husband, and three kids.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Big Man on Campus

He HATES pictures, but was excited!

Trevor goes thru phases where he does not want to be in his school's enrichment program, and phases
where he does.  He decided this quarter he wanted to start going again.  Today the 5th grade enrichment class got to go on a fun all day field trip.  The class is very small with just eight kids.  The  principal drove the enrichment teacher, and the kids in her personal car to the ABQ Journal.  They got  a tour of the whole facility.  Trevor said it was really cool to see how newspapers are made.  After the tour they drove to Dions where they enjoyed lunch.  Next, it was off to the park to play for awhile.  They finally came back to school close to 2:00pm, but did not return to class.  They spent the rest of the day helping do fun crafts/activities with  kindergarteners.  Trevor said it was like a day off from school.  Lucky kid!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Great Job Young Guns

The weekend went great!  Griffin's team won all their games!!!  They are really good, it's so exciting to watch them play.  Griffin was super excited for his medal.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What we do for our kids

This weekend Griffin's Soccer team is involved in a Soccer Tournament .  This morning they had to be there at 7:30 and their game was to start at 8:00.  We had to get up at 6:45 to get ready to go.  Let just say it was


Enjoying hot chocolate

After we got signed in, we headed to the feild where it seemed like we might actually end up playing.  The boys took off their coats and started running to warm up.  Then, it started hailing HARD.  The kids all ran for shelter, while the parents tried to gather all out stuff quickly.  The hail was hitting us in the face hard.

Pre- hail and rain, before we went to the feild.
  We all waited under the super crowded shelter until they offically called the games off.  By the time we were at the car we were wet and freezing.  Had to take a hot shower just to warm up.  It was a crazy morning.  Hopefully tomorrow the weather is better for the games.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Downward Spiral

There are days where everything seems to be going good, then before I know it I'm in a major
downward spiral.  Today I had no school, yay!!  So, I slept in very late.  Patrick helped get the
kids off to school.  I went out to lunch by myself, and did some errands before heading to the
school to help in Savannah's class.  I have never felt so irritated in a classroom before.  She is great
teacher, and very sweet, its just caotic.  I don't really 'get' why I'm there.  I could feel my mood
changing quickly.  By the time the bell rang I was cranky. Right now I'm sick and tired of
Savannah not ever eating anything healthy!!  She comes home everyday Saying she didn't eat
 her lunch, but her class has treats seriously, almost everyday.  Griffin is overly sensitive, I ended
 up making him cry. I just feel like sometimes the kids need to be responsible for their own stuff.
  I yelled he says, and it upset him.  My head hurts, and I need to go make dinner. 
 I'm just wondering how this all spiraled out of control.
I sure hope the weekend gets better.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hawaiian Girl
Sherlock Holms
Indiana Jones

The kids had a bunch of fun on Halloween.  All treats, no tricks!!  When we came to our street Grandma Shelley, who was is town and her brother Lee met up with us.  They went along with us as we finished up trick-or-treating on our street.  After we finished they came inside and hung out for awhile.

Now we've got tons of candy to eat!  We usually set the timer after dinner for 10 minutes, and let them eat all they want during that time.  In a few days they won't even ask for it anymore.