Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Early Turkey Day

We just got back from a fun trip to Las Cruces, NM where we spent a few days with Patrick's family.

Partick's sister & her husband are living there currently (not for long), so we were all able to celebrate Thanksgiving together.  Patrick's Dad and his Brother (and his three kids) came from California too.

We enjoyed dinner's together.  Making smore's over a fire. Playing board & video games. Worked on a really hard puzzle.  White Sands (although we got there just as a major storm hit, yuck).  Swimming at our Hotel pool.  Had a blast with a pinata.  Did some crafts, and ate lots more!!!

We had a really good time.  It was nice to be able to spend this time with family.  I know the kids had a BLAST with their cousins.  We can't wait to do it again
