Friday, December 30, 2011

Zoo Trip

This morning after Patrick got home from work, he suggested we go to the Zoo as a family.  I needed this. 
I needed him.  I am so grateful for such an amazing, thoughtful, understanding man in my life.  I apperciate him more than he could ever know.

After the Zoo, we went to lunch at Fuddruckers.  The food was delish.


I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Aftermath of Christmas

Christmas has come and gone super quickly this year.  Tuesday we took down the tree and packed all the decorations away until next year.  We've just been hanging around enjoying our gifts and eachother.

Savannah LOVES her new doll who she has named Curly (because of her curly hair).  I wish I had taken some pictures right when she came out of the box, she had the most beautiful hair.  It's gotten kinda tangeled already  :(  I need to learn how to take care of her hair.  Savannah has been getting her dressed and doing her hair everday.

Savannah also got a dog themed game we played one night as a family.

The boys have fiqured the xbox out and have been enjoying many games.  They've also been flying these really cool mini helecopters that their Grandparents gave them.  Just under a week until they are all back in school.  It's nice having them around, not looking forward to being busy again.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa Came!!

For the first time ever nobody came rushing into my room at some early hour.  When Patrick got home from work he sent the kids to come get me.   Santa was vey good to us this year! 
I'm gonna list our favorites so I don't forget.
Trevor & Griffin- Xbox with kinect game system
Savannah- American girl Doll of the year
Dad- French Door ( for a future project), Camel Back
Mom- New camera (yay), Kindle Fire (awesome)

We got many other great gifts too.  It was a really nice Christmas.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Campout

Tonight's activity was camping out by the christmas tree and watching The Polar Express.
When the envelope was opened, there were claps, screams and hooray's!!  They were excited!

Not a great picture, I really need a new camera.
 I decided to do this christmas countdown activity for a few reasons.  The main was was to spend good quality time with the kids this holiday season.  I've actually been having a bit of a hard time.  I've been suffering from depression for the last few months.  I've wanted to hide away in my room most days.  I recently started meds and I am starting to feel a little better.  My kids are so important to me.   I didn't want the way I felt to ruin their memories of Christmas.  And so we started the Christmas Activity Countdown.  It helped me remember what's really important.  It's been such a hit that I think we've started a tradition.  The kids have loved seeing what activity we would do each night.  I've loved seeing Christmas through their eyes.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy Night....

Savannah had her Ballet Chritmas recital.  She was a reindeer.  She did a great job, and looked so pretty.
You can watch a video below.  She is the only six year old in her class.  All the other girls are seven.

At the exact same time Trevor & Griffin were doing their purple belt test.  Patrick was there to watch them, but Savannah and I missed their test.  We got there right as they were doing the belt ceremony.

I hear they did I great job.  They have been working really hard latley.  They are excited for their new belt.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wonderful weekend

Saturday started with a trip to Church to see Santa.  Savannah is the only one of my kids who will still sit on Santa's lap.  Trevor did not even want to come, and Griffin said there was no way he would be sitting on his lap.  Savannah asked for a puppy and dog food (first I've heard of this). The girl loves dogs, lucky for her we already have one.

There were games, crafts, cookie decorating for the kids, it was fun.

Later in the day we went to Lumpy's burger for dinner as a family.  It was really good.

After dinner we went to River of Lights.  It's been a few years since we've gone, it has grown.
We had a really good time looking at all the displays.

Sunday before church we went and got our tree.  We went to a different place this year.  It was cool they had animals, play area for kids and even Santa was there.  Since there was nobody else there I asked Griffin if he would sit on Santa's lap.  I told him he might get a candy cane.  He said ok, for a candy cane.

When they were done the elf hands Griffin a huge stuffed bear.  It was so funny, Griffin didn't say anything, but you could see him looking at the box of candy canes.  He came over to me and said "I really wanted a candy cane".  Savannah saw what Griffin got, so she wanted to see Santa too. She got  a smaller bear.

We spent the evening setting up the tree and stringing popcorn while watching A Christmas Carol.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The season of Giving

This year we decided it was time for the kids to buy each other gifts.  We decided to let them each draw a name, so we could keep it budget friendly.  It was amazing to see them each on their shopping trip.  They each spent a lot of time looking at different things, and really thinking about what their sibling would like.

Last night's christmas activity was for the kids to each put a few dollars into the Salvation Army pot.  Unfourtantly yesterday I had a terrible ear ache all day.  By the evening  I was in unbearable pain.  I told them we would have to skip and do it tonight.  It's sweet to see how excited they are to give.  They all decided to go to the one at our local Walmart. 

Yesterday after school Savannah asked if she could have some wrapping paper.  I said sure.  When I checked on her later, she was busy wrapping some of her own toys and things to give to some of her friends at school.  I just love seeing the kids give from their heart.  It's really the true meaning of Christmas!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snow Day

Snow days really are the best.  We had lots of fun today.  Tonight our christmas countdown activity was making popcorn balls.  After we finished making them, I made hot chocolate to enjoy as well.

We won't be having school tomorrow either.  It's suppose to get down to 2 degrees tonight with a chance of a little more snow. Makes me happy, I love snow days!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Silly boys

So, most of our morning snow melted away during the day, which was kinda sad.
Luckily, in the evening in started snowing again.  It came down fast, and was sticking.

I found the boys out back have a snowball fight.

It was so cold!  They had the basics on: gloves, snow boots, but didn't bother with jackets or even warm clothes.  The are funny.  They stayed out there a pretty long time too.  When they were too cold they came in and took hot showers.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The first December snow .....

They had to check it out first thing in the morning, in their pj's still.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The countdown begins...

This   year I wanted to avoid the daily advent calendar treats.  I decided we would countdown to christmas with daily activities.  I found a blog with printables, so I just printed all the activities out, then decided which ones we should do.  After that, I planned out when to do what activitiy.  I didn't tell the kids what I was up to.  When they woke up, they noticed it right away.  They still don't know what's inside.  It's gonna be fun doing special stuff together as a family everyday.  You can find the printable list HERE