Friday, December 9, 2011

The season of Giving

This year we decided it was time for the kids to buy each other gifts.  We decided to let them each draw a name, so we could keep it budget friendly.  It was amazing to see them each on their shopping trip.  They each spent a lot of time looking at different things, and really thinking about what their sibling would like.

Last night's christmas activity was for the kids to each put a few dollars into the Salvation Army pot.  Unfourtantly yesterday I had a terrible ear ache all day.  By the evening  I was in unbearable pain.  I told them we would have to skip and do it tonight.  It's sweet to see how excited they are to give.  They all decided to go to the one at our local Walmart. 

Yesterday after school Savannah asked if she could have some wrapping paper.  I said sure.  When I checked on her later, she was busy wrapping some of her own toys and things to give to some of her friends at school.  I just love seeing the kids give from their heart.  It's really the true meaning of Christmas!