Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sick, Sad, Suffering

So Griffin stayed home Tuesday because he had a fever and a bad cough.  He seemed better Wednesday morning, so I sent him to school.  Well, Wednesday's they get out at 12:45 after he came and did his chores, he had a major meltdown.  I sent him to lay down for an hour.  After an hour I checked on him, and asked if he wanted to skip scouts, he did.  By the time late afternoon rolled around he had a fever again.  So today (Thursday) he stayed home again.  He had a fever and cough, but seemed to be in a decent mood.  Right around lunch time he said his ears were hurting a little.  After lunch (a grape slushie) Griffin layed down for a nap.  After an hour of sleeping he came and told me his ears were hurting, and asked if I could give him something.  By the time I got back from getting the other two from school Griffin was inconsolable.  He was crying so much.  I took him up to my room and layed in bed with him.  He kept squeezing my arms asking me to make the pain go away.  Then, he let out a blood curdling scream, then said it felt like something in his ear popped.  I called his Dr. and they said it sounds like his eardrum ruptured.  A few minutes later it happened to the other ear.  Luckily, just as the Doctor said the pain started to get better.  During the time he was in pain, he was asking for Dad.  Lucky for him, Dad was able to come home to be with him.  He is feeling MUCH better right now.  He has a Doctor appt. tomorrow.  Hopefully he will sleep well tonight.

Starting to feel better

It is heartbreaking to see your child in so much pain and not be able do help.
We were having a much healthier year, then last week Trevor had a tummy bug, the week before Griffin had a tummy bug, the week before that Savannah had croup.   Patrick & I have been fighting colds for almost two weeks, and I woke up with some weird rash on my face, chest, and arms Saturday (still have it too).
Here's hoping we all get better and sickness stays away!

*  So a few hours after I typed this I started feeling super nauseous.  I felt that way all thru the night too.  I woke up early and finally threw up, but still feel super nauseous.  Seriously, when will it stop??