Monday, February 20, 2012

A visit with Aunt Dorothy

We spent one afternoon at Explora. The kids had a blast playing, and learning.

We ate out a lot.  Including this very yummy vietnamese restaurant near our house.

Aunt Dorothy helped me organize ALL our pictures!  They are now in boxes according to the year they were taken.  I also cleaned out the downstairs closet, and donated a ton of stuff.  The pictures are right on the shelf in the closet, super easy to get to now.

We played some games while she was here, and we ate a LOT of ice cream, and even squeezed a trip to the movies   We saw The Secret World of Arrietty.

As you can see I (Mom) am not in any of the pictures.  I've been super sick with as Dorothy calls it the plague.  I look even worse than I feel, we don't need pictures of that!!
It's been nice having her here.  Savannah cried after she left tonight, asking why we don't see our family more.  I wish we did too.