Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Missing Max

As I mentioned before, the weather on the 4th was pretty yucky.  As late afternoon approached, (while the weather was still good) I took the bird cage out back (like we often do), so the birds could get some fresh air & sunshine.  After awhile my sister & I took the kids out front to get some pictures of all the kids together.  While we were out front the weather turned bad.  There was a HUGE gust of wind, and my sister said she saw some newspaper flying over the top of the house.  We went inside, and I looked out the back window.  I saw the bird cage had been blown across the yard and was all broken apart.  It was heartbreaking.  We started a search, and even with all the wind were able to locate the birds not far from our house.  We did our best to catch them.  Finally Pat caught Mario.  Once he was safe inside we set out to get Max, at one point he was on Pat's finger, then a big gust of wind came again and scared him off.  As evening approached everyone was helping to catch Max.  We would find him, then loose him again.  We brought Mario & his cage out front to see if he could talk to Max so we could find him.  It did work, but our attempts at catching him did not work.  We lost track of him as the sun was setting. 
Mario  outside

looking around the neighborhood

It's been a few days now, and no sign of Max.  I've been bringing Mario out, leaving bird seed, and still nothing.
It's been really sad. I really, really liked Max.  He was a great little bird with such a fun personality.

Last night, the kids & I went to the pet store to see if maybe we should get another bird.  After looking at them I felt sick to my stomach.  I texted pat, and he called me where I broke down crying on the phone.  I'm just not ready to replcae him.  Mario has been more of a difficult bird all along.  Wanting nothing to do with us really.  Now that Max is gone, he seems completly different.  I think he misses his buddy.  He is talking to us.  Letting us pet him, and even cathing rides on our heads.  I plan on working with him for a week or two, then getting him a new friend.