Friday, June 14, 2013

Day dreaming...

I really should be doing something other than laying on the couch day dreaming, but I'm not.
I still need to update the blog, but I'm not.
I need to finish some sewing projects, but I'm not.
 I should fold that last load of laundry, but I'm not
I should finish painting the downstairs area of the house, but I'm not.

I'm daydreaming of NEXT summer, when Patrick will be on sabbatical.  Planning trips, thinking of ideas, just daydreaming.

We have a basic plan next May middle of the month he will start his three months off.  There will be a big trip to California, Disneyland, beaches, family, friends.  We are thinking of visiting family in Michigan and maybe going to This place

We would also like to take a trip to DC.  I think the kids would love it!!

I'm looking at random stuff.
I solicitor just woke Patrick up from ringing the door so much.  So annoying!!
I think I may buy this sign. Maybe that will stop people from bugging us?
And since I have a new car, I think I need some pirate bling.
Maybe something like this one...
I think this one would be great for Patrick if he loved Pirates as much as I do.