Saturday, June 15, 2013

This week in summer.... LONG

We went letterboxing one evening, for the first time this summer.  We found two in Old Town.
We woke up early one morning to hit the zoo. We wanted to beat the heat!
Trev got this cool shirt in the mail from Grandpa Pat.
One night we went to Intel's annual night at Cliff's.
It may look like Savannah is stealing the show, but this is something that I think the boys dread every year.  Playtime at the water park did not last long (water was too cold), dinner wasn't their favorite, rides, well rides are probably  the worst invention ever if you ask Trevor & Griffin.  Savannah rode a bunch of rides in kiddie land, and she rode 2 or 3 other rides.  Griffin & Trevor rode  the bumper cars, AND THAT WAS IT!!  Savannah quickly adopted the boys fear of everything, and flat out refused to ride any rides!
Here they are while Pat & I are waiting in line for a ride. Cliff's is so boring!!!
Well, yes I imagine if you won't ride any rides it would be boring. Patrick & I had a pseudo date night.  The kids sat semi close to where we could see them with a cell phone in hand, and we enjoyed ourselves very much. We ended the night with the Rattler, the best roller coaster in the park.  Who knows if they'll ever get over this fear. 
We had our first baking/cooking day of the summer, and made homemade marshmallows.  It was fun, and they were yummy,but we all decided marshmallows are too much work!
We've earned free books from the Library & Barnes & Noble for summer reading programs!

We spend most evenings eating popsicles, and going for walks/ scooter rides!
Whew, it's a lot when I don't update as often!