Friday, November 1, 2013

Injury prone

I'm not sure what's been going on.  This last week I've injured myself three times.

1.  One morning, I was frying up some bacon and grease splattered on my arm and burned me. I got a blister, and now it's a scab. Looks like I will have a small scar.

2. I decided to revise my pumpkin the night after we carved them.  As I was cutting the knife slipped and cut my finger.  Luckily Savannah was right there and ran to get me a rag fast.  It's a pretty deep cut.  I bandaged it the best I could and decided to have Pat look at it in the morning.  Boy, was it painful! He said it may need stiches, but since it was a nice straight cut they'd probably just glue it shut.  He bandaged me up, and I went to work.  At work it kept breaking open and  would start bleeding.  I went to see our school nurse.  She said exactly what Patrick had told me.  She said to save money and skip the urgent care to just go buy some liquid bandage at the pharmacy.  On my lunch break I bought supplies, and when I got back to the school the Nurse offered to bandage/ glue me up.  It's seems be doing better today. I'll have a scar on my finger fo
r sure.

3.  Last night while we were out trick-or-treating I stubbed my toe.  I was in flip flops (crazy since it was freezing) it hurt, but I didn't think much of it.  When I got home I looked down at my feet and saw my toe covered in blood.  I guess when I stubbed it I cut it.  I washed it off, and luckily the cut is pretty small and easy to bandage.

Hopefully next week will go more smoothly.