Saturday, September 27, 2014

Love story- part 3

You can find part 1 and part 2 here

I waited for him to call for several days.
He never did call.  I was shocked!  I thought we had gotten along so well. 

Apparently he (honestly) lost my number.  On accident.  He was just as bummed as me that he hadn't been able to call.

Finally after several days of wondering if I'd ever hear from him again, Christie called and said that they were all going out to dinner, and Patrick really wanted me to come.

He was at the restaurant when I pulled in.  After I got out of my car he came over and took my hand. We picked up right where we left off a few nights earlier.  We walked inside hand in hand.

We sat together and I knew we were officially a "thing".

I was right. 

So, when we met Patrick had just recently turned 18 and graduated from High School.  Yes, he was/is 3 years younger than me.  He had joined the Navy, and was leaving for Boot Camp just three weeks after we met.  He had already quit his two jobs, and was planning to spend the next few weeks before he left hanging out with friends and family.

Then we met.

It was not something that either of us were expecting at all!

But at the same time our relationship came so effortlessly, it was as if we were always meant to be together.

The few short weeks before he left we spent together as much as humanly possible.  I worked a ton, and had to commute 35 minutes each way.  Each night after work, I would go straight to wherever he was.  We would hang out all night and into the morning.  There were many days I never slept at all.  I would just go home shower and put on fresh clothes, then drive to work again.  It was insane!

To be continued....

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Last night while Trevor was on a Scout campout, Trevor fell into a Cactus!
He had the spines on over his arm and shoulder. His leaders took good care of him, and got them all out. It took them over an hour. He is fine today just a little sore, and has red bumps all over his arm and back.


He told me "It's just another story to tell my future grandkids!"

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mini Maker Faire

Today I took the kiddos to the Mini Maker Faire in ABQ.

I've heard about the Maker Faire from my sis-in-law Jenny, who takes her boys to the one in San Francisco every year.  Every since I heard about it, I've wanted to go with the kids.

When I found out they were having a mini faire in ABQ I was excited.

It was cool.  Lots of hands on activities to try. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

For the love of baking!

I seriously have an addiction to baking. 

Monday I made some iced oatmeal cookies, just because.
On Wednesday night I decided to bake monster cookie bars, and banana bread.

After I was done baking Wednesday night, I was thinking I need some sort of intervention.  I bake at least 4 times a week.  I wish it was healthy wheat bread, but it's usually something sweet. 

Tonight it's chilly outside.  The first signs of Fall are here.

That makes me want to make a bunch of pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, cinnamon rolls, and pies.
It's relaxing for me.  Too bad it helps me stay pretty chunky.
If I could only learn how say no to eating as much of the stuff I bake.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Love story - part 2

Part 1 can be found HERE

After driving thru the desert for awhile, we decided to hit up In-N-Out.  Patrick bought milkshakes for us.  We sat on the curb right in front of my car and enjoyed them. 

It was starting to get dark, so we decided to head back to Christie's house. When we got there some of the guys had left, but there were still a bunch of people hanging out in the backyard on the trampoline.  We all lay there talking, and looking at the stars, a typical summer night in the desert.

Patrick was right by my side.  I remember him giving me an awesome hand massage. I was liking this guy!

Patrick was suppose to meet up with a friend who had already left, so I gave him a ride.  Turns out his friend was pretty mad that Patrick had ditched him for a girl, and didn't want to hang out anymore!  So, Patrick & I decided that we should spend some more time together.

By this time it was sometime after 11:00pm.  We went to a local park.  We sat on the playground equipment, and talked into the early morning.  We had our very first kiss that night at the park.  :)

The conversation never slowed.  We seriously talked about everything. 
It was so comfortable and natural.

Finally around 4:00am we decided to leave.  I had to work the next morning.  As we walked to my car he asked me to write down my phone number.  I did.  After that I drove him home.  He promised he'd call.  I drove away in awe of what had just happened.

To be continued...

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor day weekend

Our long weekend came and went in a flash.

This is what we did.
- Completely reorganized all of our kitchen cupboards and drawers.  We got rid of a ton of stuff too
- Came up with a new chore system
- Bought & roasted Green Chilies'
- Peeled and chopped Chilies'
- Went down to the Rio Grande  
- Got yummy frozen custard